
Wings Of Liberty Brutal

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  1. Wings Of Liberty Brutal
  2. Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Challenge Missions

Hey, very nice article. Just one note – I just beat “Engine of Destruction” on Brutal and the Loki itself was a Detector. Not sure if this is only on Brutal (probably), but if you don’t want to save/reload for it and do it the hard way, it requires some micro (splitting your Wraiths in 2 or 3 groups to avoid the massive AoE Regards!

Edit: Will finish in the AM
There's a few threads that touch up on Brutal Campaign, but I just wanted to put together a quick and simple guide that can help people achieve Brutal in a timely fashion. This missions are listed in the order that I did them. I am sure there was some reason I chose this order (I needed x unit so I did this mission etc, but I don't remember off the top of my head. What I do remember is getting siege tanks relatively early.) Some of this will be incomplete, but I just finished it all and it's pretty fresh in my mind, so here goes:
Liberation Day:
This is pretty simple. People that are experiencing loss of units should take their units at lower health, and put them behind your units with full or green health.
Where the drop comes in that Raynor calls down, when you see the pods land, send in your units to kill the front line, you should have some left over.
When dealing with the turret on the ground shuttle, simply micro units.
When dealing with the vikings, let the civilians take the lead, and attack the vikings in the air as well before they land, there will be 3, 1 should be softened up before landing, you might only have Raynor left. Simply kill the other 2 with the assistance of the civilians. If only Raynor is left, kite back to more civilians, there should be a couple near the statue that they grenaded to help.
The Outlaws:
The most simple way to do this mission is to take your first few marines, and spam proxy barracks after killing the north group for the extra minerals. I ended up with four of my own plus the one you acquire for saving the civilians that are West of your starting point. By proxying the barracks after killing the first group, you will have a quicker and more effective ball.
After that's done and you move north, make sure to spread out your units for the hellions that you will deal with. Afterward, power through the bunker and head north.
Inside the main base, be sure to stay on the left of it, because there is a siege tank deployed on the right side of the base, you should be able to kill most of the production before you have to deal with it. When everything but the siege tank and factory is dead, send one marine, followed by another to bait the siege tank, than run up and kill it.
Zero Hour:
This mission is pretty simple by just turtling. Don't go and do the side objective, it can only make things messy. Where the choke points are for the main base I suggest build 2 more bunkers with marines in them each, as well as adding another turret to each side.
As far as building goes, I went double upgrade, and 4 raxx, with 2 reactor for marine pump, and 2 with tech lab for some medics. Have 1 of each rally to each side. When you hit critical mass and have no more room for extra marines, you want to send them up to your main to deal with the spore cannon drops.
During the mission you will find the spore cannon drops starting to happen in your base, salvage the bunkers that are in your main, and take a two groups of about 7 marines and 1 medic. Simply have them patrol inside your main from side to side and they can deal with everything that drops on your base. Normally you could just have them sit there, but the patrol option will automatically take care of any roaming issues on your main base.
The Evacuation:
Make sure you grab the extra minerals before you get to the main base. They can help you macro up in the beginning very well. Also, before you get there, you will encounter a fairly large force of zerglings on the south side. Well placed Firebats in front of medics will easily be able to handle this quite well.
Inside the base begin to do some small macro. Typically in this mission I went for triple raxx, with 2 reactor and 1 tech on them, in the beginning you can only afford one or two, it depends on how your style of the macro game is. You will have a third by mid game, and a fourth later, and you could probably get up to 6 by the time it's all said and done.
The first wave doesn't require many units, feel free to take advantage of the bottom bunker, and after that wave, salvage it. Up top, you may have to salvage it before you get to it because it will be destroyed. If you have stim, you can probably reach it first.
After that wave, you should have extra money from the two salvaged bunkers, start grabbing the 1/1 upgrade from one engi bay, and just make a huge bio ball with a handful of firebats, about 8 medics, and a ton of marines. It's easy picking from this point on.
I found this mission particularly easy on Brutal. To play it safe make 2 bunkers per side, and later on the bottom entrance as well. Put 2 firebats and 2 medics in front of the bunkers, and have an scv on each side just hanging out in case auto repair is necessary. During the day, I didn't find any true change of difficulty in this mission, just go triple raxx off the one base, and you should be fine if you can mass units well enough.
The only real difficulty was in the main base on the south, but if you are efficient enough at killing buildings during the day you should be fine with a huge ball by the time you get to that point in the mission.
I sent out two different control groups of units, and finished this mission by day 4 or 5 finally hit.

The Devil's Playground:

So in this mission you simply want to have a small bioball, under 15 units I'd say, to deal with the pushes from the Brutal Computer. Keep in mind, you can't really bunker up at the mineral patches, unless you want to salvage them before the fire rises. There's no timer on screen, but I believe the screen starts shaking and rumbling at around 30 seconds. Play it safe, there's no reason not to, with a couple medics to go with the marines, you're at no real risk.
When you get reapers, send one out at a time to check for minerals, no reason for your entire reaper group to get stuck in a zerg base. With some decent exploration, you will find just about every pack of reapers, this combined with the starting patch, the patch in the middle, the patch north of that, and the patch south of your main base, should be pretty easy to obtain and defend the mineral mark.
Smash and Grab:
So here we are, back at the triple barracks (1 tech lab, 2 reactor). This one can be a little tricky. I found out you really only need 1 bunker with marines in it, with an scv near by. I suggest at least one turret behind it to deal with the air. Two if you have the spare cash.
To deal with psi-storm on your way through, have a few marauders to tank it. Overall, you'll win this mission with plenty of time before the zerg has a chance. Grab the engineering bay upgrades, and you should be on your way to victory pretty quickly with a sizable ball. Don't forget to have marauders tank storm though, of you can catch yourself balling up and losing many, many marines.
Welcome to the Jungle:
I won't lie, this mission is a pain in the ass. You need a strong MMM ball, with Marauders to tank colossi in it. Make sure your army is mobile.
Same as before wit the triple raxx with upgrades coming in. But make sure you are targeting Void Rays first with your marines. I think we all know what happens when they charge up on a marine ball, it's not pretty, don't let it happen.
In the beginning of this mission, I suggest taking the left side as soon as possible, but play it safe. I wouldn't go for the double grab until later, when you are balled up very well.
After sweeping the left side, mass up a bit. You will also need some defense in the beginning, a bunker with marines does the trick here as usual. As well, I would suggest building a turret or two to get the job done.
After defending a wave or two, try to grab the canisters on the right side of the map. Chances are one of them has been locked up. After this, it's time to push the middle and expand. Remember, closer Command Center, quicker time for the SCV to travel from the Taldarim Alter to delivering it.
Continue to ball up and push, and don't be afraid if the Protoss lock up a couple Alters, they need to lock a ton of them to beat you in this mission, and by the time it comes to grabbing canister 6 and 7, you are probably balled up enough that if they are close, you can get them both at the same time.
Another big tip is to travel with an extra SCV, just in case.
The Dig:
Siege Tanks, Bunkers, and Turrets is pretty much what this mission should be renamed. I didn't expand until about 20k of the door was already taken down, but you can safely expand with a couple of well placed siege tanks behind the ledge, and then make yourself a nice bunker wall at the expansion with more siege behind it. Trust me, you will have plenty of minerals to do so.
During the mission I suggest at your main you have 3 bunkers loaded with marines, and numerous siege tanks at each side, and a bunch at the expansion as well. Grab the attack upgrades when you can safely do so without costing yourself productivity for the tanks, and keep around 3 scvs at each area for repair (Don't send 3 at once, send 1 when money is okay, 2 when it's loosened up, and a 3rd when you really have let go.)
The siege tanks are nice and all, but the Laser cutter is the real damage dealer here. To get this mission done in a less-than-forever timely fashion, I suggest having the laser kill:
In that exact order. The tanks CAN deal with the Immortals if necessary, but the colossi can prove to be troublesome with their range at times, and plus the immortals ball up with the AI's other troops pretty well, so at worse case you are killing 2-10 birds with one stone (depending on how many sentry, zealots and stalkers there are). Having the laser kill the colossi will kill the AI's ability to see high ground and be a huge inconvenience towards your sim city.
This is a time consuming mission, but overall this is a very safe way to do it.
Whispers of Doom:
The best advice I can give is to take your time, and carefully micro stalkers and your friendly DT separately.
A few tips would include having Zeratul stun detectors and having the stalkers safely kill it between units flying by, as well as stunning Broodlords for quick, convenient and safe kills.
Also, during the baneling portion, have your stalkers kill the creep tumors to slow down the banelings. Aside from that, it's not very hard, just a time consuming mission where I would suggest frequently saving and playing it safe.
This mission just takes time and careful play. Coordinate your attacks with the AI's. There's no real big trick to this mission considering in campaign you can see a nice fine circle of where units can and cannot see you.
Don't be afraid to run back to a medic to health, or to consume half of a marauder for energy. It helps a lot.
By the end, you should be able to unlock both groups of prisoners without too much of a problem, and on top of that, you get 4 nuclear launches, which is honestly 4 more than you need. Make sure you haven't alerted the Ravens before using one (don't fire and have a raven come check it out right before you nuke, or you will die.)
You can practically waltz through this mission and grab the Cool Hand Tosh Achievement (nice reference Blizzard) without any problems at all. Just remember to mind blast those SCVs repairing and you will be done in a timely fashion.
Ghost of a Chance:
Just like Tosh's mission in breakout, you just need to play this mission carefully, and slowly to avoid dying. You can even manage to rack up all the achievements involved with this mission as well.
Dominate Siege Tanks, Goliaths, and the Ultralisk to make this mission very easy. Also, during the last part, be careful when you see and hear nuclear launch detected, it's a ghost that will surely be gunning for Nova, simply move her and you will be fine.
The Moebius Factor:
Another mission that the great MMM ball was meant to solve. What you really need here is simply a few marines in bunkers, 2 siege tanks, and a couple turrets to defend, aside from that on the offensive a solid MMM ball with medivacs for dropping off and picking up do just the trick. I highly suggest building at least a couple of medics though, because the amount of spore crawlers on this map are numerous and annoying beyond belief.
With decent macro and production, you should be able to easily get through this mission. Be warned though, gas is not as plentiful as you would assume, be careful to not overbuild medics and siege tanks, you need some of that gas to be able to produce your medivac drop unit.
Safe Haven / Haven's Fall:
Similar to the Tosh and Nova missions, these two play extremely similarly. So I am just going to sum them up together, I will split them later when I'm a little more refreshed with them, and I can point out the finer points of them.
These missions come down to two things:
- Having a decent and effective Marine Medic ball
- Using Vikings properly.
By utilizing those two aspects, these missions are both very easy.
One difference though, when you have to kill the Mothership in Safe Haven, jump INTO the Vortex, when you do, all her spawned units will move away from your group making it very easy. Keep the vikings at max range of 9, and you can actually kite the Mothership.
The Great Train Robbery:
All you need is one bunker to defend, because in this mission you'll be doing something fantastic.. something.. awesome.. something I like to call.. mass Diamondback.
the bunker should be in the back of your base to kite air units to it with marines inside of it.
In the beginning, I highly suggest getting all the extra Diamondbacks on the map you can easily access, and after a couple trains when you have 30 extra seconds or so, go clear the other expansions and get the Refinery up and running.
Now, diamondbacks cant hit air, so I suggest traveling with a pack of marines in the back with a medic or two to clean up any air units left over during base harassment or train rides.
Seriously though, if you double factory pump Diamondback.. this mission is a joke.
As far as the Marauder Kill group goes.. your Diamondbacks should be able to avoid it, but you can safely kill one group without suffering any critical number of losses, as far as the second one roaming the south or north, just avoid it. If you have to, let a train go through, there will be another that is safer to kill, and you need to let 2 pass to fail the mission.
The part after you get the contract is pretty simple, considering the ridiculous amount of units you inherit after taking the contract, and can just power with siege tanks to victory with any decent support group of units. Getting to the contract though, can be difficult if not properly approached.
Before you get the contract, I highly suggest having an army consisting of 2 barracks, and one siege tank in between entry points to your base. Aside from this, I recommend using the vulture mines for easy defense.
With a small group of marines and medics with the vultures you acquired earlier, you should move out to either the small expansion north of your base, or southeast of your base, and take them both out. This does two things:
- It slows down the mineral gain of Orlan, and yields you many minerals very fast.
- CC's contain 400 minerals.
Also, on the map, you will be informed at one point that 'we should come back and check these later.' Those big boxes are worth 150 a piece, and there are typically two. I found going from one area with them on one side of the map, to the other, by the time I got back, they had respawned. That's a lot of coin for simply patrol moving, and shouldn't be discounted as a strategy.
After killing the south east base, continue up from it and kill everything up to Mira Han's base. You should be golden by that point, and ready to move onto the second part. Like I said, siege tanks and a unit for vision do the trick here. I think he also tries to drop a Nuke as well? Just move away from it, as it is very apparent as to where it will be attempting to land on your forces. He only tried to drop one on me.
A Sinister Turn:
Engine of Destruction (incomplete, started writing this when I mistakenly took the name of another mission for this one):
For a mission where you first get the Wrath from Starcraft, you will be surely reluctant to build any. This map is trivialized by two units on brutal, the Banshee and the Viking. The mass Wraith tactic people talk of is a complete joke, and quite frankly awful when compared to the ridiculous viking/banshee ball that is infinitely more effective.
I would start this mission off by build a second starport with a reactor and a tech lab on your factory. To defend properly in the beginning, all it takes is a bunker and a siege tank. You won't need a turret here whatsoever because of the mobility of your vikings.
Base 1:
Send a few SCV's (you will be doing this often because in Brutal, they actually get targeted, to defend your base as I mentioned earlier, simply build
  • 1Wings of Liberty
    • 1.3Missions
  • 2Heart of the Swarm
    • 2.3Missions
  • 3Legacy of the Void
    • 3.3Missions
  • 4Mission Packs
    • 4.1Nova Covert Ops

Wings of Liberty[edit]


The Wings of Liberty Campaign follows the exploits of the Terran outlaws Jim Raynor and Tychus Findlay. Specifically, the player is assumed to have the role of Raynor from a third-person perspective. The first three missions must be completed in order, after which a series of events occur which enables the player to begin directing the order in which missions are played.

New units are acquired during each mission which may then be used in any future missions (except the Prophecy missions, in which the player does not use Terran units). In some cases, the capability to produce a particular type of unit can dramatically alter the challenge of a given mission. Many of the missions force the player to take a defensive position (in contrast to multiplayer) which makes Siege Tanks a particularly beneficial unit to unlock as early as possible.

Each mission can be completed using Casual, Normal, Hard, or Brutal difficulty. New players who have never played any video game in their entire life or are just new to RTS (Real time strategy) type games should probably begin on Normal - the Casual difficulty is very, very casual, to the point that enemies only very rarely attack and usually sit about waiting for the player to come and slaughter them - and their units have only half of their normal HP. In most cases, playing on Hard or Brutal adds more depth to a mission. For example, in the Zero Hour mission on Normal difficulty the player has to deal with only the assaults of the Zerg, whereas in Hard and Brutal there are Zerg 'drop pods' that crash into the ground delivering Creep Tumors and Zerglings. These drop pods gradually begin to descend closer and closer to the player's base, and since Zerg units move more rapidly on Creep, this can ramp up the challenge quickly.

Most missions reward the player with Credits, as well as the potential to acquire Research points by completing side objectives (see below for more details on both). All missions also feature achievement challenges. In most cases, there is one challenge for completing all of the side objectives which can be obtained on any difficulty, one challenge that can only be finished on at least Normal difficulty, and one challenge that can only be finished on at least Hard difficulty. Playing every mission on at least Hard difficulty is generally an easy way to enable a savvy player to complete all achievements on a single play of the mission.


The availability of units, mercenaries, research and armory upgrades remains the same when missions are replayed through the mission archives. Only those available when each mission was initially played will be present. As an exception, when there are plot branches, all acquired upgrades and units will be available when using the archives to play the missions which were not selected during the storyline.

Units in the campaign are unlocked by playing the mission that introduces them, as indicated in the Missions section below. Afterwards, the unit is available to be build in the all following missions, making the order in which the missions are played significant.
The Laboratory is where you can get Research upgrades. They consist of different upgrades to various structures and units and also completely new units. Research points can be found in each mission of the campaign by completing bonus objectives. There are 36 Zerg and 39 Protoss research points in the campaign. Additional points gained beyond the research caps of 25 Zerg and 25 Protoss are exchanged for credits, allowing the player to purchase more Armory upgrades or Mercenaries.
The Armory is where you can get upgrades for your units in exchange for credits, which are earned by completing missions. You can start upgrading a particular unit after you finish the mission in which you acquired it. Most available upgrades are the same as those which can be obtained in-game during multiplayer, except that these are in effect at the start of your campaign missions once purchased and do not cost any minerals or gas.
Mercenary contracts can be purchased with a one-time credit cost in the Cantina. A contract for a mercenary type is available after you finish the mission in which the base unit was acquired. Once a contract is purchased, the mercenaries can be hired in missions for minerals and gas. The cost is higher than the basic unit, but the upgraded stats outweigh the higher cost. Mercenaries have a cooldown before they can be hired (or hired additionally, in the case of types which permit more than one squad), but arrive instantly once hired, making them great for quick base defense.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Engineering Bay and Armory. After completing 9 missions, level 2 upgrades are available, and on the 17th mission 3 upgrades are available.
An arcade minigame accessible from Cantina after 4 missions are completed.


The guides for all the missions are written for Brutal difficulty. The strategy for lower difficulty levels is the same, except the enemy won't be as strong, or won't be as smart. However, if you want to elaborate on changes in lower difficulty levels, by all means please edit them in!

Wings Of Liberty Brutal

For the three choice missions (Colonist 3, Covert 3, and Final 2), you can only play one of the options for storyline purposes. However, you can play the mission you didn't choose through the Mission Log.

Mar Sara[edit]

The Raynor missions are the first three in the game. Credits can not be used until after Zero Hour.

Mar Sara 1: Liberation DayMarine---
Mar Sara 2: The OutlawsSCV, Medic45,000-Liberation Day
Mar Sara 3: Zero HourBunker55,000-The Outlaws


The Hanson missions can be started after completing the Mar Sara missions.

Colonist 1: The EvacuationFirebat100,0003 ZergZero Hour
Colonist 2: OutbreakHellion110,0002 ZergThe Evacuation
Colonist 3a: Safe HavenViking125,0003 ZergOutbreak and any 2 missions after it
Colonist 3b: Haven's FallViking125,0003 ProtossOutbreak and any 2 missions after it


The Tychus missions can be started after completing the Mar Sara missions.

Artifact 1: Smash and GrabMarauder110,0004 ProtossZero Hour
Artifact 2: The DigSiege Tank120,0003 ProtossSmash and Grab, 8 total missions
Artifact 3: The Moebius FactorMedivac120,0003 ZergThe Dig, 11 total missions
Artifact 4: SupernovaBanshee120,0004 ProtossThe Moebius Factor, 14 total missions
Artifact 5: Maw of the VoidBattlecruiser125,0004 ProtossSupernova


The Tosh missions can be started after completing a total of 4 missions.

Covert 1: The Devil's PlaygroundReaper110,0003 Zerg4 total missions
Covert 2: Welcome to the JungleGoliath120,0003 ProtossThe Devil's Playground
Covert 3a: BreakoutSpectre125,000 (+50,000)-Welcome to the Jungle and any 2 missions after it
Covert 3b: Ghost of a ChanceGhost125,000 (+50,000)-Welcome to the Jungle and any 2 missions after it


The Horner missions can be started after completing a total of 6 missions.

Rebellion 1: The Great Train RobberyDiamondback110,0003 Zerg6 total missions
Rebellion 2: CutthroatVulture120,0003 ProtossThe Great Train Robbery
Rebellion 3: Engine of DestructionWraith120,0003 ZergCutthroat
Rebellion 4: Media BlitzThor120,000-Engine of Destruction
Rebellion 5: Piercing the Shroud-125,0003 Zerg, 4 ProtossMedia Blitz, including secret objective


The Zeratul missions can be started after completing The Dig.

These missions are played as the Protoss. The player's normally available Terran units, mercenaries, armory upgrades, or research do not matter in these missions nor can you use any of the Protoss units in the other missions. Even though there are no new Terran units or cash rewards for completing these missions, doing so early is useful for a large boost to research, possibly making subsequent Terran missions slightly easier to complete in Hard/Brutal difficulties.

MissionsNew Unit(s)ResearchPrerequisites
Prophecy 1: Whispers of DoomZeratul, Stalker3 Zerg, 3 ProtossThe Dig
Prophecy 2: A Sinister TurnProbe, Zealot, Immortal, Dark Templar, High Templar3 Zerg, 3 ProtossWhispers of Doom
Prophecy 3: Echoes of the FutureObserver, Colossus4 Zerg, 2 ProtossA Sinister Turn
Prophecy 4: In Utter DarknessPhoenix, Void Ray, Carrier, Mothership3 Zerg, 3 ProtossEchoes of the Future


The Valerian missions are the final set, and can be started after completing Maw of the Void.

Caution: Once the player has finished Gates of Hell, unplayed missions on the Star Map or the Ihan Crystal will no longer be available. The Lost Viking minigame will also be unavailable. Missions which have been previously completed will still be available to replay in the archive. Mercenaries and Armory Upgrades are still available as well.

Final 1: Gates of Hell---Maw of the Void
Final 2a: Belly of the Beast---Gates of Hell
Final 2b: Shatter the Sky---Gates of Hell
Final 3: All-In---Belly of the Beast or Shatter the Sky

Heart of the Swarm[edit]


The Heart of the Swarm Campaign is played from the perspective of Sarah Kerrigan, the former Queen of Blades.


The availability of units and evolution paths remains the same when missions are replayed through the mission archives during the campaign. It is however possible to play any unlocked mission in all possible configurations via the master archives.

Units in the campaign are unlocked by playing the mission that introduces them, as indicated in the Missions section below. Afterwards, the unit is available to be built in all following missions, making the order in which the missions are played significant.
In the Leviathan, the abilities of Kerrigan can be altered. Some missions guarantee Kerrigan Levels, some have bonus objectives that grant up to 4 extra levels. The mission archives only show the bonus levels, not the levels Kerrigan is guaranteed to have earned. A total of 69 research points is available in the game, 41 guaranteed, 28 optional via bonus objectives. Each new level can grant additional life, energy, damage and/or armor for Kerrigan. Kerrigan starts at level 1 with two tiers of abilities. When she reaches level 10, 20, 35, 50, 60 or 70, a new tier of abilities is available. Each tier grants the player a choice of one of two abilities, or three when the Supreme mission is completed, adjustable at any time between missions.
The Evolution Pit lets you choose mutations and evolution paths for some types of Zerg units. New units and evolution missions are unlocked by playing missions. A Mutation is a choice out of three options, which you can alter before playing a mission, so these are not permanent. Evolution Strains are permanent path choices and cannot be altered during a playthrough. You may however replay any mission with the desired Mutations and Evolution Strains via the Master Archives options in the main menu. An Evolution Strain is chosen by playing a short and very easy mission which lets you use both options so you have a better understanding of the consequences of your choice. The upgrades usually do not have to be researched during a mission, however some choices require that you mutate a building. Evolutions are generally a more extreme upgrade than Mutations.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Evolution Chamber and Spire. After completing a number missions, level 2 upgrades are available, and after some more missions all 3 levels of upgrades are available.


Like in Wings of Liberty, missions are grouped following a number of different story lines. However, each story line is related to a planet, and players cannot select another planet until completing all three missions (two in Space). The first three missions are on Umoja, after which you can select from Kaldir and Char. Once the missions of one of these two planets are completed, Zerus becomes available. After completing these three planets, the choice is between Skygeir and Space. Completing both of these unlocks the Final missions.


The Umoja missions are the first three in the game. Choices regarding Mutations Evolution Strands or Kerrigan abilities can not yet be made until after Rendezvous.

Umoja 1: Lab RatZergling---
Umoja 2: Back in the Saddle---Lab Rat
Umoja 3: RendezvousSwarm Queen--Back in the Saddle


The Kaldir missions can be started after completing the Umoja missions.

Kaldir 1: Harvest of ScreamsRoach+5 (+2)-Umoja
Kaldir 2: Shoot the MessengerHydralisk(+3)ZerglingHarvest of Screams
Kaldir 3: Enemy Within-(+1)RoachShoot the Messenger


The Char missions can be started after completing the Umoja missions.

Char 1: DominationBaneling+5 (+2)-Umoja
Char 2: Fire in the Sky-(+3)ZerglingDomination
Char 3: Old SoldiersAberration(+2)BanelingFire in the Sky


The Zerus missions can be started after completing the Kaldir or Char missions. After The Crucible, Kerrigan has different abilities, which are locked. After Supreme these abilities are added as a third option to each tier and all become available to choose from.

Zerus 1: Waking the AncientMutalisk(+3)-Kaldir or Char
Zerus 2: The CrucibleSwarm Host+10 (+1)-Waking the Ancient
Zerus 3: Supreme-+5 (+4)HydraliskThe Crucible


The Skygeirr missions can be started after completing the Kaldir, Char and Zerus missions.

Skygeirr 1: InfestedInfestor(+3)-Kaldir, Char and Zerus
Skygeirr 2: Hand of Darkness-(+2)MutaliskInfested
Skygeirr 3: Phantoms of the VoidUltralisk+4 (+3)-Hand of Darkness


The Space missions can be started after completing the Kaldir, Char and Zerus missions.

Space 1: With Friends Like These---Kaldir, Char and Zerus
Space 2: Conviction-+9 (+2)Swarm HostWith Friends Like These


The Final missions can be started after completing the Skygeirr and Space missions.

Final 1: Planetfall--UltraliskSkygeirr and Space
Final 2: Death From Above---Planetfall
Final 3: The Reckoning---Death From Above

Legacy of the Void[edit]


The Legacy of the Void Campaign is focusing on Artanis, leader of the Protoss race.


Units in the campaign are unlocked by playing the mission that introduces them, as indicated in the Missions section below. Afterwards, the unit is available to be built in all following missions, making the order in which the missions are played significant.
In the War Council of the Spear of Adun is located the Assembly Panel. Aided by the Preserver Rohana, you can customize your army with the Protoss technology encountered during missions. There are ten warrior categories, but only two available at the start: Zealot and Stalker. For each category, you have the choice between several factions which present different abilities. The assigments are not permanent, and can be changed between missions.
The Solar Core is the source of energy of the Spear of Adun. The Core interface is an array that displays an overview of the weapon and support systems of the ship. For each of the six systems, you have three ability choices, but only one can be configured to be active at a time. Each ability has a cost in Solarite, which can be gathered by completing side objectives in missions. The Solarite then needs to be allocated to power the weapon and support systems, or routed to the auxiliary systems (starting supply increase, and construction time reduction). The Phase-smith Karax takes care of the Solar Core.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Forge and Cybernetics Core. After completing a number of missions, level 2 upgrades are available, and after some more missions, all 3 levels of upgrades are available.


Whispers of Oblivion[edit]

The Whispers of Oblivion missions are a prologue to Legacy of the Void, featuring Zeratul. Though anterior in time, these missions require more advanced skills than the first missions of the main Legacy of the Void campaign.


The Aiur missions are the first three missions in the game.

MissionsNew unit(s)SolaritePrerequisites
For Aiur!---
The Growing Shadow--For Aiur!
Spear of AdunPhoton Cannon, Shield Battery-The Growing Shadow

Moebius Corps[edit]

The Moebius Corps missions can be started after completing the Aiur Missions.

Starcraft 2 Wings Of Liberty Challenge Missions

MissionsNew unit(s)SolaritePrerequisites
Sky Shield-10 (+15)Aiur
Brothers in ArmsImmortal(+15)Sky Shield
Templar's ChargeCarrier15 (+20)Purifier or Tal'darim


The Shakuras missions can be started after completing the Aiur Missions.

MissionsNew unit(s)SolaritePrerequisites
Amon's ReachDark Templar10 (+15)Aiur
Last StandKhaydarin Monolith(+10)Amon's Reach


The Ulnar missions are:

MissionsNew unit(s)SolaritePrerequisites
Temple of UnificationPhoenix(+10)Brothers in Arms, Shakuras and Forbidden Weapon
The Infinite Cycle-20 (+15)Temple of Unification
Harbinger of OblivionHigh Templar(+15)The Infinite Cycle


The Purifier missions are:

MissionsNew unit(s)SolaritePrerequisites
Forbidden WeaponSentry(+15)Brothers in Arms or Shakuras
Unsealing the PastColossus(+20)Ulnar
Purification-15 (+15)Unsealing the Past


The Tal'darim missions are:

MissionsNew unit(s)SolaritePrerequisites
Steps of the RiteVoid Ray(+20)Ulnar
Rak'Shir-15 (+15)Steps of the Rite

Return to Aiur[edit]

The Return to Aiur missions end the main Legacy of the Void story.

MissionsNew unit(s)SolaritePrerequisites
Templar's Return--Templar's Charge, Purifier and Tal'darim
The Host--Templar's Return
Salvation--The Host

Into the Void[edit]

Into the Void is a 3-mission epilogue to the Legacy of the Void campaign.

Mission Packs[edit]

Nova Covert Ops[edit]

This mission pack focuses on the Terran Ghost Nova. The first 3-mission pack was released on March 29, 2016. The second pack was released on August 2, 2016. The last pack was released on November 22, 2016.


Nova has access to special equipment to use in battle, which can be switched between mission. Covert Ops Units will have access to shared unit technology.

Nova uses Covert Ops Units, an elite army of the Terran Dominion. The types of units, the technology, upgrades and buildings are restricted compared to a basic Terran army. But all units are Elite (using Mercenary Customs) and a few upgrades are accessible from the start of the mission (like Combat Shields for Marines and Concussive Shells for Marauders).
Reigel assists Nova in her missions by granting her equipment to use. There are four categories of equipment: helmet, suit, gadget and weapon. Each mission grants Nova new technology, either sent by Reigel to the battlefield, or stolen by Nova from the enemy. Nova can equip a total of 4 pieces of equipment, which can be switched before starting a mission.
Reigel grants Nova technology to upgrade the units. The technology improves their normal weapons and skills. Each technology can be equipped by only one type of unit at a time.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Engineering Bay and Armory.


Nova acquires new equipment and technology as a reward, while playing or by completing optional objectives.

MissionsNew unit(s)New Equipment (In-Mission)New Equipment (Reward)New Technology (Reward)
The Escape-C-20A Canister Rifle, Pulse Grenade, Ghost Visor, Tactical Stealth SuitHellfire Shotgun, Flashbang Grenades-
Sudden StrikeSCV, Marine, Reaper, MarauderTurbo JumpsuitRangerfinder OculusLaser Targeting System, Internal Tech Module, Super Stimpack, Jumpjet, Spider Mine
Enemy IntelligenceHellbat, Siege TankMonomolecular BladeStim Infusion-
Trouble in ParadiseGoliath, Banshee-Apollo Infantry SuitRegenerative Bio-Steel, Advanced Cloaking Field, Smart Servos
Night TerrorsLiberator, Raven-Holo DecoyMagrail Munitions
Flashpoint--Plasma Rifle-
In the Enemy's Shadow-Indoctrination Visor, Phase Reactor Suit, Blazefire Gunblade-Special Ordnance
Dark SkiesBattlecruiser-Ionic Force Field-
End Game----