
Skyrim Special Edition Populated Cities

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The best mods for Skyrim Special Edition. Open Cities, by Arthmoor, aims for more of a Morrowind feel: the cities aren't instances, they're part of the larger world. Stroll right in—or ride.

  1. Skyrim Special Edition Populated Cities

Update March 10, 2017
Starting with version 2.22 DynDOLOD supports Skyrim SE - as beta for experienced users. Starting with 2.36 dynamic LOD is now supported for Skyrim SE.
DynDOLOD Skyrim SE beta
Skyrim Special Edition
The static LOD BTO format changed a bit.
It may be possible to use the tree and static files created in the old format, but I do not recommend it at this point as they might be missing out new features and are twice the file size than the new format.
It won't be long until an update for DynDOLOD/TES5LODGen is available and you will be able to create static object and tree LOD that can be just dropped into any existing save game without a problem. Static object and tree LOD is only meshes and textures and only requires some simple updates to base records in the esp.
Obviously the dynamic LOD that requires SKSE, PapyrusUtil is an entirely different matter. But I plan for a substitute generation in the way like SkyFalls/Mills did it until the required plugins become available.

SkyrimEditionPopulated cities towns villages

Skyrim Special Edition Populated Cities

Edited by sheson, 05 May 2019 - 01:20 AM.