
Morrowind Join All Houses

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  1. Best House Morrowind
  2. Morrowind Join All Houses Mod

You can join all of the factions except the Great Houses. You can only have one of those. Of course, I doubt you have the skills to get very far in all of them, but.

Morrowind homes
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Best House Morrowind

  • I own the original Xbox version of Morrowind.

    I don't know what Great House I should join. If I join one Great House, does that mean I can't do anything for any other Great House?

    House Telvanni looks cool, but would joining them conflict with the Mages Guild questline?

    I can't decide on Redoran or Hlaalu, they seem pretty similar. I read somewhere in this wiki that I can eventually get my own stronghold if I go with Redoran? If so, I would probably go with them.

    I'm gonna wait before I even start the main storyline.

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    • I'm thinking House Redoran. Will they interact with me differently if I'm a Bosmer?

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    • Personally I would join House Redoran, however, it might be a good idea to investigate each house individually in order to decide which you like best (particularily during the Hortator quest in the main storyline). It is also my understanding that each Great House offers you a stronghold (though I could be wrong).

      PS There are codes which allow you to join each house anyway :P

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    • It all depends on what type of Character you want to be. If you are a mage, I'd suggest Telvanni. If you are devoted to the empire, Hlaalu. Etc.

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    • You can get a stronghold from all of them. Basically, it's Thieves should go Hlaalu, Mages Telvanni and Warriors should go for Redoran. Of course, if you're interested in the lore, there are many ideological differences between each which I would suggest you look into throughout the game. Personally, I chose Hlaalu because my character was a Thief and recognized that Morrowind would eventually be consumed by the Empire, it was better to work with them than against them.

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    • wrote:Basically, it's Thieves should go Hlaalu, Mages Telvanni and Warriors should go for Redoran. Of course, if you're interested in the lore, there are many ideological differences between each which I would suggest you look into throughout the game. Personally, I chose Hlaalu because my character was a Thief and recognized that Morrowind would eventually be consumed by the Empire, it was better to work with them than against them.

      There is no IS or IS NOT in Morrowind reguarding playstyle most if not ALL of it should be looked at from a role playing view, hell, my second character was a mage who joined House Redoran because he believed in honor. Sure it was more difficult to rank up and the rewards were pretty useless, but its more fun (IMO) to look at it from a lore perspective. Then again, who ever heard of a mage joining Redoran. Probably a bad choice. My point is if youre into armed combat, relogion (Tribunal) and honor, join Redoran, like money, buisness, Commoran Tong, and the Empire Join Hlaalu. Love magic, mushrooms, and knowledge. Are you eccentric, insane, or both? Then join Telvanni! Class generally doesn't matter Insane Mages are the best IMO. TELVANNI RULE!!!

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    • I generally choose House Redoran, because I like the honorable aspect to them, the other houses seem to lack honor, especially Hlaalu. Also, who needs mushrooms when you can live in a giant crab!

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    • (Guys, this thread was last posted on in 2014. Come on XD )

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Morrowind Join All Houses Mod

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