
Skyrim Special Edition Missing Textures

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Skyrim Special Edition Missing Textures, Clean Install, No mods.

  1. Skyrim Special Edition Texture Pack
  2. Skyrim Special Edition Missing Textures Pack

I'm not new to modding. I've been doing it for about a year or more. I've had issues ranging from CTDs to things just flat out locking the computer. Every past issue I've had has been hardware and not software. I finally have a computer that can handle the modding I want to do (Or so I believe). So, unless requested I am going leave out computer specs. I do have a GTX 770 4gb by Gigabyte for a Graphics Card and 20 Gigabyte's of Ram. I also have 3.4Ghz 6 core Processor by AMD.

My current problem is with random items in the game and the skill trait tree. When I go to the skill traits Parts of the star background has been changed to purple blotches. As well, the longbow and Imperial armor appear as broken purple/multi-colored mosaic textures. Many other clothing Textures just appear as Purple detail-less textures.

Earlier I had an issue with flashing distance textures but once I removed Skyrim Distance Overhaul Beta it fixed that. However, there are still issues with monster floating and bouncing into the air.
Current Texture and mesh editing mods:

Skyrim Special Edition Missing Textures
  • aMidian Book of Silence + Patches
  • aMidian Caves and Mines were installed but removed
  • aMidian Landscape was installed but removed
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul Regular Edition v191
  • Skyrim HD - 2k Textures - SHD Lite all Texture packs. Was used to replace aMidian when first issues started to occur. Also at one point installed simultaneously with aMidian Texture packs.
  • SMIM
  • Skyrim Distance Overhaul Beta - Removed
  • Seasons of Skyrim ENB True HDR + ENBoost
  • Enhanced Blood Textures
  • SkyRe
  • Realistic Water Two
  • Frostfall
  • Wet and Cold + Ashes
  • Expanded Towns and Cities + Patches
  • Open Cities of Skyrim
  • Immersive Weapons + Armor

I have over 100 mods installed but only about 93 of them running. I will post a load order as well to hopefully provide a better idea of what's going on. The Load order is in the spoiler. I will get screen shots soon of the problems. Thank you for any help anyone can provide!
UPDATED: List of problems since the issue started:


Skyrim Special Edition Texture Pack

I fixed the Texture problem but now I am on to CTDs and Infinite Loading screens.

Skyrim Special Edition Missing Textures Pack

Skyrim Special Edition Missing Textures

Edited by Bauldric, 20 May 2014 - 08:14 AM.