
Oblivion Fast Travel Mod

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Fast travel is good. Unless you use it badly. But now you can no longer use it badly, such as fast travelling from the middle of a battle,.

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  2. Oblivion Fast Travel Mod Games

Download kingdom rush origins pc. It really depends. If you're following a quest chain and want to work through it specifically, then it's certainly not fun with all the downtime of going to each destination followed by marching about the town trying to find the right NPC to speak to.

However, if you're just milling about with various quests that you're only 'sort of' doing as and when they crop up as you head on your merry way, travelling the old fashioned way is fun by way of you exploring the world as you trudge about and discover the world for yourself, occasionally bumping into quest related stuff. I have had a far greater sense of wonder by finding such gems as hidden ruins containing an artefact, or my favourite - finding a dead troll under a bridge along with bottles of wine and a badly written suicide note - than simply getting through the quests, though there were some exceptional ones, such as the creative thieves guild missions or the 'retrieve special items for the Countess' missions.

It also largely depends on whether you've explored the regions before. Everyone has done that walk from the sewers to the abbey for example so people get pretty tired of doing it the tenth time. In this regard fast travel is pretty much a necessity since you know exactly what's coming up, the type of enemies you'll encounter and which caves you'll discover. But for the first time you make that journey you won't want to use the fast travel feature because you'll be too absorbed in discovering the world around you. It's just that discovery is a finite resource in terms of enjoyment.

Oblivion Guard Mod

Fast travel is unfortunate in a lot of ways, but chief among them is that there is no alternative built in to the game.


Oblivion Fast Travel Mod Games

The striders are the reason i didn't mind the lack of a fast travel feature. They were a form of fast travel, except they were also a part of the world's lore and they actually made sense for what they were there for. It neither felt cheap like fast travel nor made the running about too tedious as you could always just take a strider to each of the major cities. I'd like to see more forms of transport like this that make you do the legwork but also provide a way for you to get around the major hubs and city centres so as not to make it too frustrating.