
Will More Ram Lower Cpu Usage

    21 - Comments
  1. Jul 14, 2011  Best Answer: Your RAM won't normally make your computer any faster. If you use many programs at once and you are using up a large percentage of your RAM, then it will go slower. If your computer needs more memory than you have RAM, it will use a page file, which is a file located on your hard drive and it runs WAYY slower than RAM.
  2. Reducing the CPU load. Live Versions: 8-10 Operating System: All Processes both within Live and elsewhere on your computer can stress the CPU. When this occurs you may experience dropouts, crackles or glitches in the audio and/or a sluggish response in Live.

My Advice is to plug in atleast 4GB RAM into your Laptop. Whats currently happening in your Laptop is, Program takes data from HDD into RAM for processing. It stores processed data into RAM. It now needs new data but RAM is already full.

How To Fix High RAM Leakage and High CPU Use of Windows 10 Run PC/Laptops caused due NTOSKRNL Process

If you are using a Windows 10 run PC or laptop you may have already encountered this problem. Several Windows 10 users have reportedly been complaining on Reddit and Microsoft Forums about unexpected memory leaks pertaining to system processes like ntoskrnl.exe and Runtime Broker, wherein an increasing amount of RAM and CPU usage during PC boot ups has been extensively reported.

The issue seems to have been caused by a bug which inflates the RAM and leaks memory in the process. During a normal process when you are not using many Apps, your PC/laptop should use around 30 percent of RAM and around 40 percent of your CPU. However, if your Windows 10 is buggy, it can use anywhere between 80-90 percent RAM and 85 percent of your CPU causing a mild hang which can be only cured by rebooting your PC/laptop.

Also, watch how to disable superfetch 100% disk usage

According to the researchers at Bidness Etc the high RAM and CPU leakage is caused by the memory leak issue which remains dormant for the first few hours of PC/laptop use, but slowly takes over all the available free memory and a large portion of the processor usage.

How To Fix High RAM and CPU Usage of Windows 10 Operating System

1. Registry Hack:

  • Hit Win Key + R
  • Type in “Regedit” and then hit Enter.
  • Go to ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management’
  • Find ‘ClearPageFileAtShutDown’ and change its value to 1
  • Restart the computer

2. Fix the driver issue:

  • Open ‘Device manager’ and ‘Scan for hardware changes’

How To Lower Cpu Usage

3. Adjust your Windows 10 for the best performance

Cpu And Ram

  • Right click on “Computer” icon and select “Properties”
  • Select “Advanced System settings”
  • Go to the “System properties”
  • Select “Settings”
  • Choose “Adjust for best performance” and “Apply”.
  • Click “OK” and Restart your computer.

4. Disable startup programs

  • Hit Win Key + R
  • Type ‘msconfig’ and press enter
  • The Task manager window will open. Click on the “Startup” tab and you will see a list of programs that run at startup.
  • Right click on the applications that you don’t want to run at startup and select “Disable”.

5. Defragment Hard DrivesHit Win Key + R

  • Hit Win Key + R
  • Type “dfrgui” and press enter
  • In the new window click on the hard drives you want to defragment (Prefer the drive in which Windows is installed)
  • Click “Optimize” and follow the instructions on the screen to finish the defragment process.
  • Restart your computer.

6. Close and uninstall as many unwanted preinstalled applications as many you can

Removing malware

One of the main reasons for slow down of your PC/laptop could be a malware. One of the most common malware that infects your PC is perhaps the adware that comes from your browser. One could employ the use of MalwareBytes Anti-malware tool or the Microsoft’s native Windows Defender. Both the software offer comprehensive scanning and cleaning mechanism to eradicate spyware and malware infections.

Just run the complete scan or deep scan to remove any malware infection and reboot your PC to get rid of any infection. If the issue still persists, you can move on to the next step with updating outdated or faulty drivers.

Updating outdated or faulty drivers

Several users have reportedly claimed that outdated or faulty drivers are the main reason behind this potential memory leak issue in Windows 10.

Although Microsoft has rolled out automatic driver updates for all known hardware installed on the PC, it may not be fully optimised for best performance. Hence, it is imperative to download the latest drivers from the OEM or hardware vendor to plug the high memory and CPU usage problem.

The most basic drivers are sound, graphics, and network drivers, which are often the root cause of memory leaks as reported by several affected users, following the Windows 10 upgrade.

That’s it. The memory leak and high CPU usage issues should now be resolved on your PC/laptop running Windows 10.

Settings/Privacy/General (change privacy options/ turn All OFF
Settings/Privacy/Windows Permissions/ turn All OFF
Settings/Privacy/App Permissions/ turn All OFF
Restart your PC

Is Chrome Browser consuming Too Much RAM Memory? Making PC Slows down? Get all possible ways to reduce abnormally high RAM memory & CPU usage by Chrome.

Google Chrome is undoubtedly a great Internet Browser with simple & sleek design and lots of important features. It is comparatively fast then any other web browsers. Google offers Google Chrome Web Store from where you can add additional extensions to enhance your Chrome’s features.

Also, Google is continuously introducing new, improved updates its Chromium Browser. Currently, I am using Google Chrome Version 25.0.1364.97 m which is showing up-to-date. But all version are still having a big problem of Consuming Abnormally High RAM Memory Space.

Sometimes, it consumes so much high memory that you PC hangs or shuts down unexpectedly. Here I am telling you all possible ways by which you can reduce RAM usage of your favorite Chrome Web Browser and Surf Internet faster while exploring your PC fast too.

1. Free up Memory with Single Click

The easiest way to free up RAM additional memory usage is adding Purge memory button to Google Chrome. Though it is available for DEV Google Chrome but if you are using it then adding the button is quite easy.

Right-Click on the shortcut of Google Chrome, Go To Property. Now, append append the Target: address by adding a space and then,

See, there is a double space there. Now, when you open your Chrome browser from that shortcut, use the Shift+Esc shortcut key to bring up Chrome’s Task Manager. Hit Purge Memory Button and it will free up additional memory (if available).

2. Use Chrome’s In-Built Flash

For Developers Version, They can use chrome’s in-built & better flash plugin. To use chrome’s internal flash plugin, Right click on Chrome’s shortcut, select Properties and add this command line switch appending Target: field:

You can use more than one command line switch parameters, separated by space.

3. Make Use of Chrome’s Task Manager

While on Chrome, Shift+Esc will show you special chrome’s task manager with list of all on-going processes and their memory usage. By selecting any of these or unwanted processes, you can click “end process” button to stop the process and free up the RAM usage by that process.


Many times, chrome runs background processes which consume RAM Memory so at that time, this trick will comes handy.

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4. Extensions & Plugins

Extensions & Plugins are those which adds additional features to your Chrome Browser. You can choose any type of Extension like to connect radio stations, change color, theme, add games, photo apps etc to chrome but they also consumes RAM Space.

If you’ve installed an extension which you are not using now then I recommend you to remove it from chrome by navigating to:

Google Chrome >> Settings >> Extensions

Or disable them at least. Avoid to install large number of extensions.


Bookmarks let you save the address of currently opened webpage by simply pressing Ctrl+D in chrome browser. You can also manage them in folders. But I recommend you NOT to organize them in different folders. Also, avoid saving lots of bookmarks to your chrome browser as it takes seemingly very high RAM memory on Start.

If you can’t delete your prominent bookmarks then sync your Google account with Google Chrome. It will store your bookmarks to your Google account, then you can delete your browser’s bookmark. This feature also helps you to explore your bookmark on any PC’s chrome browser.

Recommended : 50 Common Keyboard Shortcuts for Any Web Browser

6. Lots of Tabs / Windows

We can’t limit our habit of opening new tabs or windows. It depends on our research, task and sometimes, our curiosity ;-). Make a habit to open new webpages in New Tabs rather than New Windows.

Also, if you are habitual to open too many tabs then using TooManyTabs Google Chrome Extension will be very helpful to reduce & manages your RAM usage for Tabs wisely.

7. Web Browser Cache

Your Chrome browser saves some elements of webpages you visits. It helps chrome to load that webpage faster when you re-visit the website. The feature is yet powerful but consumes lots of memory for cache.

You should empty your browser’s cache on regular time interval by navigating :

Chrome >> Settings >> Advanced Settings >> Clear browsing data.

You can either delete all the stored data like saved password, autofill forms, history or choose what to delete.

8. Content Settings

By navigating Settings >> Advanced Settings >> Content Settings, you an manage and handle content storage. Use these recommended settings :

1. For Cookies, Select Keep Local data only until I quit my browser.

2. For Images, Do Not Show Images (If you really don’t bother about Webpage’s images).

3. For Plug-ins, Click To Play .

9. Setting Chrome’s Priority

You can also set Chrome’s processes in low priority by right-clicking on taskbar, opening Windows Task Manager, Select chrome’s processes, right-click on them and choose lower priority. Though it is experimental but I found it useful for me. If you don’t find improvement, just revert your process.

10. Keep Eye on Mini Toolbar Softwares

Many software comes with additional Toolbar software that promises you to provide more quick and comfortable internet browsing, music listening, game playing and all those things. They automatically get installed in all of your browsers and making their browsing slow and CPU Usage high.

So, always read every step of any software installation and try to avoid these additional toolbar.

I am sure these all tricks and practices will help you to make your Browser considerably fast. If you are having any problem, comment below.