
Gow To Manage Addons Wow Twitch Mobile

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  1. How To Manage Addons Wow Twitch Mobile Streaming
  2. Update Wow Addons With Twitch
  3. Gow To Manage Addons Wow Twitch Mobile App

More accurately it's: 1. Click 'Install via Curse Client' 2. Wait for Twitch to open 3. Twitch has to update 3.5. Wait for Twitch to update 4. Wait for Twitch to scan for games again 5. Select the live version of WoW instead of the PTR build 6. Hit 'Update All' 6.5. Wait for addon updates to download and install 7. What are the best addons in WoW BfA? Sometimes, in order to be a high-performing playing in World of Warcraft, you need to get a little help. In this case, it's not friends that'll help you, but addons that will give you the edge you need to be at your very best.

Introduction to Mobile Streaming


Mobile live streaming on Twitch has been popularized by the launch of Twitch IRL. Twitch IRL goes beyond video games, and gives content creators the opportunity to interact with their community while doing anything, including mobile streaming from anywhere. The popularity of Twitch IRL has been exploding, and Twitch is allowing content creators to innovate their stream while on-the-go!

Update 2019:

The Cloud OBS Stream Servers, which is a “turnkey” solution for mobile IRL streaming that includes additional technology to keep your stream live and enhance viewer interaction on any platform is now located at superstreamsystem.com.

How to Mobile Live Stream on Twitch

Twitch IRL is relatively new, but mobile live streaming is nothing new. However, it has become MUCH easier due to the explosion of mobile live stream apps, the accessibility of mobile LTE 4G data plans, and other technologies that help you go live. Now streamers can mobile stream directly from their phone’s camera! You can download many of these apps for free (with pro upgrades possible). There are a wide range of options for mobile live streamers in terms of software and gear. Other equipment for mobile streaming can also be used. We have seen a rise in popularity of high-end dSLR cameras along with wireless hotspots for mobile streaming. However, this requires a tremendous about of additional, and expensive, equipment. You can do it (pretty much the same, and MUCH simpler) with a nice mobile phone! This article will outline some of the things you can do. You can also use a pre-configured system (see Cloud OBS Stream Servers) to get your mobile stream up and running, more about that later.

Mobile Live Stream Software

  • BitStream (Android; Awesome RTMP and overlay support)
  • Live:Air Solo (iOS RTMP Support)
  • There are others, like StreamLabs Mobile. However, this one and many don’t support custom RTMP, which is needed to get your mobile stream into OBS (See “Stream Directly to OBS” below).

Mobile Live Stream Gear and Hardware

A smart Phone with a LTE 4G data plan is the key. This is the easiest and fastest way to do it. Smart phones have the resolution and bandwidth to create a great quality stream. Wait, don’t you need a PC or laptop with more power to manage a stream? Yes, and no. If you don’t need advanced overlays and alerts, you can stream directly to Twitch with your phone. However, if you want more power you can use Cloud OBS Servers (see Cloud OBS Servers).

Use a mobile stabilizer. I use a “Cam Caddie Scorpion” to mount and stabilize the phone/camera. This helps with camera shake, and allows you to set the Cam Caddie down on a surface while still holding the phone upright. People also use selfie sticks and gimbals to mount and stabilize the phone.

More advanced gear? Why not use a high end lens on a cutting edge dSLR outputting HDMI into a backpack laptop tethered to a mobile data Hotspot? Knock yourself out. The funny (or depressing) fact is that it won’t look much different (to the audience) compared to a Galaxy S7 smart phone mounted on a 10$ selfie stick. Remember, streaming is more about the content, not the speed of your lens or depth of field in the shot. Save a few thousand dollars, and use your savings to do things that add value to your stream!

What Gear Do You Really Need to Mobile Stream?

A mobile phone with a data plan. It’s far simpler than people make it seem. Additional equipment may be preferable, but its totally optional. The bottom line is, use what you have. If you have a tablet, use it. Laptop? Use it! We have cameras built into almost every mobile device. There are two major challenges to consider:

  1. Encoding the video. It takes a newer smart phone/tablet with enough power to encode the video. Especially if you want to run chat on the same device. Luckily, newer smart phones have video encoders built in!
  2. Internet connection. You need a data plan (with plenty of bandwidth, eg. 4G). Smartphones (should) have 4G and WiFi built-in, or you can use a mobile hotspot. Of course you can always get your internet from WiFi if you are near an access point.

What about audio? New smartphones have astonishing audio quality, but they lack directionality (they pick up EVERYTHING) and other features found in external mics. There are external mics designed for mobile, but it’s totally optional.

Stream Directly to OBS from your Phone Camera

The strongest way to stream while mobile is to stream with OBS, and pull your mobile stream into a OBS source. You will need a RTMP server to do this, and you have a few options. Quick note: I designed and pre-configured a RTMP server for my own stream that I have used and developed for over 4 years as a Partnered Twitch streamer. The truth is, I have been mobile streaming WAY before IRL was a category on Twitch, and I am super happy IRL is becoming more popular. The kinks have been worked out and the answer, in retrospect, is simple. You simply stream from your mobile device to an RTMP server, then pull that stream into a media source on your OBS. This way, you get the powerful overlays and transitions of OBS. It is a set-it-and-forget solution for streaming on the go! RTMP servers take up almost ZERO resources (very little memory and almost no CPU). There are two options:

  1. Run a Cloud OBS Server. This is the BEST option for mobile and backpack streaming by far. This is the turnkey cloud solution used by the top tier IRL streamers in the industry. Using a Cloud OBS server allows you to have a high-speed data server available 24/7. It is nothing short of a dedicated, powerful, and personal RTMP and OBS server for all your streaming needs. You simply stream to it, and the mobile stream appears on your OBS screen. You can start and stop your stream, and switch scenes using a web control panel on your phone. Arrange your scenes in OBS how you like, then go mobile and take the stream with you anywhere. A cloud OBS server also has proprietary technology that makes your stream more stable, so you never drop your stream due to “F”s (stream fail due to lost signal or low bitrate). It also features remote control which functions like a streamdeck for your phone, and full remote access to your cloud OBS server giving you full control of your content. A personal Cloud OBS Server can be found HERE.
  2. Run a standalone RTMP server on the “Cloud”. This is also an effective option for mobile streaming, but it doesn’t have all the features and stability of the Cloud OBS Server. A RTMP server on the cloud is your personal ingest server for all of your RTMP needs. You can stream to it, and pull your stream into your OBS at home. A pre-configured RTMP Cloud server can be found HERE.

Get the Psynaps Cloud OBS Server System

This is the Psynaps Cloud OBS Streaming Server system is the system currently used with the Gunrun IRL Backpacks, UnlimitedIRL systems, and used most by the highest quality streams on YouTube and Twitch. Although this system works with any RTMP device such as a mobile phone, it is highly tuned and optimized for IRL Backpacks which use the LiveU Solo for multi-modem bonding and video encoding. It features anti-RIP technology, overlay support, and remote control to provide the highest quality IRL streams in Twitch and YouTube history. Keep your overlays, prevent stream drops (RIPs), and remote control your stream from anywhere. Although the IRL backpack provides the highest quality and most reliable IRL stream, any RTMP capable mobile device can be used (such as your phone). This system includes full support and is actively developed with new features and add-ons. NOTE: This system comes with a RTMP ingest server, so there is no need for the “Cloud Edition” when you sign-up for the Cloud OBS Server.

How To Manage Addons Wow Twitch Mobile Streaming

Get the Psynaps RTMP Server (“Cloud Edition”)


A pre-configured RTMP server can be used to allow you to get your mobile stream into OBS. The Psynaps Super Stream System (Downloadable and Cloud Edition) is a pre-configured RTMP server for streamers, and comes with guides, videos, and screenshots. The purpose of the Super Stream System is to raise the quality and improve the delivery of online video content and live streaming for the entire streaming community. It is also perfect for Mobile streaming on Twitch (and/or YouTube) which has currently become very popular with the recent addition of the Twitch IRL category. This system is for pro streamers, eSports organizations, and designed to meet the needs and budget of the casual streamer as well! If you believe in raising the bar of quality for casual and professional streaming, lets go!

Update Wow Addons With Twitch

The Psynaps Super Stream System “Cloud Edition” has been mobile-ready and used for Mobile streaming on Twitch since long before the Twitch IRL category existed. It was designed and optimized after years of full-time use on the Psynaps Stream (any many other full-time streams that use it). Now that Twitch launched Twitch IRL, streamers are looking for ways to maximize their mobile stream. Although the Cloud OBS Server is a more “turnkey” solution for the outdoor streamer, the standalone RTMP “Cloud Edition” server is a powerful tool for desktop and mobile streamers alike. This system has been developed and optimized long before IRL was a thing on Twitch or YouTube!

This is going to be particularly popular with every day streamers because they need a cheaper and easier solution for streaming. Additionally, mobile streaming is rising in popularity but mobile streaming apps are limited. Streamers can now combine their mobile stream with OBS on their PC to powerhouse their mobile stream.

The Psynaps Super Stream System and Cloud OBS Servers are a collection of extremely powerful streaming applications which are driven by a server platform used by the most sophisticated cloud servers in the internet (e.g. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and other major cloud server systems). The Psynaps Super Stream System “Downloadable Edition” can run on virtually any computer, cross platform, and takes up very little resources (download here). The Psynaps Super Stream System “Cloud Edition” is a personal and powerful RTMP server on the cloud (located next to Twitch Headquarters, or region of your choice). The “Cloud Edition” is currently available here. You can find more info here. Finally, the flagship package is the Psynaps Cloud OBS Server, which first hit the cloud in 2017, and quickly became the most popular system for overlays, remote control, and automation of high quality IRL Backback streams in 2018. In 2019 the user base continues to grow, and so does the stability, feature development, and infrastructure of the system. You can find it here.

Need More Help?

I can help you build it! I love Twitch and it’s community, and I want to see you succeed! Am I the right guy to help you? Based on my experience making educational content for YouTube and Twitch for years and because of the success of my stream (Psynaps Stream), I can offer you help with anything from building your mobile stream to growing your stream in general. Currently I am also working with corporations and individuals to build, optimize, and deploy production quality streams. I help large streamers and small alike. Contact me anytime.

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Gow To Manage Addons Wow Twitch Mobile

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