
Endless Ocean Blue World Legendary Creatures

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Endless ocean blue world little penguin

Endless Ocean Blue World Legendary Creatures 2

Endless ocean blue world video
Going into this game I didn't really know what to expect. I don't mind saying I bought it more for the free Wii Speak than for the game. That said, I've always had an interest in wildlife, and was looking forward to playing such a unique title. I never expected it to be as fun as it was. The environments and animals are gorgeous. It's hard to describe swimming with a blue whale asGoing into this game I didn't really know what to expect. I don't mind saying I bought it more for the free Wii Speak than for the game. That said, I've always had an interest in wildlife, and was looking forward to playing such a unique title. I never expected it to be as fun as it was. The environments and animals are gorgeous. It's hard to describe swimming with a blue whale as anything but awesome. But this game offers more than just nice scenery. I was amazed at how addicting and rewarding the exploration was. Just when I thought I had been everywhere I found new caves, treasures, and fish. The reason for my 2 point deduction stems not from the main gameplay but from the sidequests. There are many, MANY sidequests to go on. They vary from meeting mysterious new creatures to finding legendary treasures to just plain old exploration, and can be very satisfying and rewarding. My problem is not with the sidequests themselves but with their implementation. They are extremely separate from the main story, so you have to choose one or the other. It would have been nice to intertwine them at least a little, but I often found myself choosing whether to continue the story (which was better than I had been expecting) or go complete the latest addition to my quests. You can continue playing after beating the story, and its even recommended by the game, but to me that feels a little hollow.
Overall this is a very absorbing game,and I would recommend it to anyone, especially people who enjoy marine life or general exploration. My qualms are purely my own. This is a great game.

Endless Ocean Blue World Legendary Creatures Lyrics

Endless Ocean Blue World Legendary Creatures

Endless Ocean Blue World Cameroceras

4.27 Gotta catch 'em all! Once you find all the legendary creatures, you can then talk to Hayako to receive a new title: Myth Finder 5. Credits Thanks to the Endless Ocean 2 board on GameFAQs. Some of the information here I first saw while reading that board. How to Complete All the Treasure Rumors on Endless Ocean Blue World. For those of you who play Endless Ocean - Blue World (also called Adventures of the Deep) and are having trouble with finishing all the treasure rumors, read on to find.