
Mm7 Emerald Island Cannon And Ship

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This game along with other games in the Silent Hill series has been shown in past games done quick marathon events and its definitely one of the pure staples of the survival horror genre and can give Resident Evil series a draw for gameplay. Emerald Island This beautiful island is where you begin your quest. To be able to leave, you must complete Lord Markam's Contest. On, and they say that there is a dragon on the island, so be careful. The Emerald Island is a phantom island reported to lie between Australia and Antarctica and south of Macquarie Island.It was first sighted by the British sealing ship Emerald, captained by William Elliot, in December 1821, and the name of the supposed island is derived from the name of this ship.

  1. Mm7 Emerald Island Cannon And Ship Map
ShipMight and Magic series
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From United States
I'm running Windows 7, and just started playing M&M 7 with the Grayface patch.
[Yes, I installed everything with administrator privileges.]
[Yes, I modified mm7.ini appropriately.]
Got through the Emerald Isle with nary a hitch.
Then, shortly after arriving at Harmondale and killing the first few rats in the castle, I started crashing. ALOT. The old Win7 '...has stopped working' message.
My most recent save looked like the interior of Harmondale was seriously corrupted, and any amount of play would crash instantly.
On startup, I could load other saves and play OK, but then the mere act of going to the 'load game' screen would cause an instant crash (I never even got the option of choosing what to load).
Checking the GOG forums, I saw people mentioning that remapping the keys was a bad idea. I *HAD* changed a few keys around, but I dreaded reinstalling and sticking with the defaults -- having the 'mouse look' feature just DEMANDS the use of WASD for movement, don't you think?
So I fretted and pondered for a bit. And then something hit me.
I had started using quicksaves more often recently. And I had bumped Grayface's 'QuickSavesCount' in the INI from 1 to 9. (Just in case I wanted to go back to an earlier quicksave; why else have the feature?)
...And most of the crashes seemed to center around the 'load game' screen.
I was up to five quicksave files in my Saves directory when everything started to go wrong.
So I moved all of the quicksaves out of the directory, and changed QuicksavesCount back to 1 in the mm7.ini file.
SUCCESS! No more crashes. Even the gamesave where the Harmondale interior appeared corrupted, loaded beautifully and played fine.
[The only other thing I changed in the INI during this time, was I had set QuickLoadKey from 0 to 123 (i.e. F12) -- and then decided that was too dangerous (too easy to clobber the game in progress) and set it back to zero. But I'm fairly confident it was the 'too many quicksaves' thing that was crashing me...]
So there ya go. Hope this manages to help someone else avoid similar grief... :)
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From United States
I hate to bring up an old topic, but I need to make a few points.
The problem is, nobody should have to go through with this crap.
Might and Magic VI and VII ran great on my Windows XP (which is now gone). The only 'hint' of a problem was the fact that I couldn't run MM7 with Hardware Acceleration. It looked great just running it in software mode.
Any serious bugs that were apparent with VI and VII were mostly patched up. I downloaded the patch files and they did the job of fixing a few things. For a while, it seemed as if nothing was going to get the games to crash badly so long as I didn't do anything too stupid.
Now, many years later, I'm finding problems running these games on both Windows 7 and the Macintosh (with the Crossover application). I join up on GOG.com and find many of the games I loved on this very site for a low price. Unfortunately, many of them don't exactly run perfectly on modern operating systems.
Just recently I find someone by the name of Grayface who made a patch for this game. I don't know how the patch will affect things or how well the game will run after I apply the patch. But I now find many problems just getting the games to operate correctly that I never had to deal with on Windows XP and the like.
Although the 'This application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We're sorry for the inconvenience' message has existed since the introduction of Windows 95. Obviously, Microsoft has never gotten rid of that 'BS' message, because I see it every so often on Windows 7.
Unfortunate. So far I have around 15-20 games I bought off of GOG.com, and some of them don't even work that well because they're not that compatible with more modern systems (DOSBOX works wonders for programs pre-1995). We're back to running the old Windows 3.1 games on a Windows 98/2000 platform. You might get lucky and see that they work, but most of the time they will crash on you.
Post edited August 24, 2012 by DryMango
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Mm7 Emerald Island Cannon And Ship Map

From United States
If windows 7 is as unstable as you say, it might be worth it to try a few distributions of Linux. It needn't cost you any money, and you can try it so that it doesn't change anything on your actual system. Really great for before you are familiar with how and whether it works.
Since you already have windows 7, I'd say keep it in case it comes in handy; I've got the DVD edition of command and conquer: the first decade, and couldn't get anything but the launcher going, and I've only got it running in windows XP. But I don't think that game can run on win7 anyway, and it's the only one I've tried which I definitely can't get working on Linux.
I've run Might and Magic VII on fedora before, and it works okay, though there are some problems with movement even when patched. I haven't tested the really cool extras like mouse-look and so on, but running the game per se is fine.
In fact, GOGgames in general have given me very few problems on Linux.
Post edited August 25, 2012 by Shloulet
dvisions Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation...User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From United States
I'd just like to chime in and say that MM2-8 have all worked flawlessly on Win7 for me, with multiple hardware upgrades over the past couple years and many play-thru's (especially MM6-8).
Actually, I've played all on Win7 (x32), Win7 (x64), and even playing 7 and 8 on Win8 preview.
This also goes for about 20 other games here on GOG - the only one that I had trouble with was Dungeon Keeper 2 and GOG released a patch that fixed it.
The only thing I do out of the ordinary I guess is check all my drivers every few months and have various audio/video codecs installed (for other purposes). Other than that I use the GOG installer to the default path and use the provided shortcut.
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From United States
dvisions: I'd just like to chime in and say that MM2-8 have all worked flawlessly on Win7 for me, with multiple hardware upgrades over the past couple years and many play-thru's (especially MM6-8).
Actually, I've played all on Win7 (x32), Win7 (x64), and even playing 7 and 8 on Win8 preview.
This also goes for about 20 other games here on GOG - the only one that I had trouble with was Dungeon Keeper 2 and GOG released a patch that fixed it.
The only thing I do out of the ordinary I guess is check all my drivers every few months and have various audio/video codecs installed (for other purposes). Other than that I use the GOG installer to the default path and use the provided shortcut.
Some people inevitably use computers in a way that windows just can't handle. That doesn't mean we're all computer savvy enough to know just why it doesn't work, but if it's broken it's broken. I'm told that just trying new stuff is the way to figure that stuff out. Still waiting for those kinds of revelations, in most cases. In the meantime, I have a computer that does what I want it to, so what loss? Except to MS's bottom line that is!
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From United States
Unbeliever: I'm running Windows 7, and just started playing M&M 7 with the Grayface patch.
[Yes, I installed everything with administrator privileges.]
[Yes, I modified mm7.ini appropriately.]
Got through the Emerald Isle with nary a hitch.
Then, shortly after arriving at Harmondale and killing the first few rats in the castle, I started crashing. ALOT. The old Win7 '...has stopped working' message.
My most recent save looked like the interior of Harmondale was seriously corrupted, and any amount of play would crash instantly.
On startup, I could load other saves and play OK, but then the mere act of going to the 'load game' screen would cause an instant crash (I never even got the option of choosing what to load).
Checking the GOG forums, I saw people mentioning that remapping the keys was a bad idea. I *HAD* changed a few keys around, but I dreaded reinstalling and sticking with the defaults -- having the 'mouse look' feature just DEMANDS the use of WASD for movement, don't you think?
So I fretted and pondered for a bit. And then something hit me.
I had started using quicksaves more often recently. And I had bumped Grayface's 'QuickSavesCount' in the INI from 1 to 9. (Just in case I wanted to go back to an earlier quicksave; why else have the feature?)
...And most of the crashes seemed to center around the 'load game' screen.
I was up to five quicksave files in my Saves directory when everything started to go wrong.
So I moved all of the quicksaves out of the directory, and changed QuicksavesCount back to 1 in the mm7.ini file.
SUCCESS! No more crashes. Even the gamesave where the Harmondale interior appeared corrupted, loaded beautifully and played fine.
[The only other thing I changed in the INI during this time, was I had set QuickLoadKey from 0 to 123 (i.e. F12) -- and then decided that was too dangerous (too easy to clobber the game in progress) and set it back to zero. But I'm fairly confident it was the 'too many quicksaves' thing that was crashing me...]
So there ya go. Hope this manages to help someone else avoid similar grief... :)
Sorry to resurrect such an old post, but I figured I'd let you know that your post finally helped at least one other person, even if almost 7 yrs later, haha.
I am pretty sure I experienced this exact same issue on windows 10. I was playing the game just fine (with all the right patches and a window fixing patch to get it to work that is), until I got to the dragon on emerald island and did a ton of quicksave/reload to see what I could loot for fun (I don't plan on using anything but the +25 disarm item). But the next day when I loaded, it was as if the map had reset (the rats and dragon had respawned) and more importantly, every time I tried to leave the dungeon, or got a load screen with any other save I loaded, the game would freeze and never recover.
Unfortunate, as I certainly dont want to stop using the quicksave feature. I don't think it has to do with the number of max quicksaves you have set, but just when you reach a certain number or get in some bad state with the saves. Mine seemed to happen after I reached the max at least. I still have mine set to 25, but the game still appears to work after I moved all but one quicksave out of my saves directory. I wonder if I cant get a hold of grayface to see if he can replicate it and fix it, haha...
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