
Fallout 4 City Lag

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It's par for the course with both AAA games in general these days and Bethesda's open world titles in particular: there's going to be bugs galore at the launch date and for months to come while we wait for a string of major patches.

While some of Fallout 4's bugs are hilarious, others will make you want to burn Bethesda's development studios to the ground.

Page 1 of 2 - Extreme Lag in Mechanist Lair - posted in Fallout 4 Technical Support: Its the only location Ive had this issue in: I enter the interior and my game just becomes extremely laggy, to the point of almost being unplayable. Dec 20, 2017 - Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU660 @ 3.33GHz (4 CPUs), 3.3GHz. My FPS in the city areas, like Boston Common, were ridiculous but. So I figured out what kills your FPS in cities in fallout 4. Unfortunately Discussion in ' The Vestibule ' started by The-Brighter-Side, Nov 11, 2015. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next.

From broken quests to major frame rate and stuttering issues, there's a host of common problems still occurring if you jumped into the game early (so many that some are declaring New Vegas and Fallout 3 to be superior games). Here's how to overcome some of the most frustrating Fallout 4 bugs and broken quests.

When Freedom Calls Broken Quest

It's a sad state of affairs when literally the very first main story quest can't be finished due to a game-breaking bug, but here we are.

This quest to help out the Minutemen and get your suit of power armor works just fine.. until you reach the quest objective “Clear Concord Of Hostiles.” Many people are experiencing problems where this objective won't get checked off, or it does get checked off and then reverts back to being an active part of the quest for no apparent reason.

They seriously nerfed the very first story quest..

Before going into troubleshooting on this, make sure you've actually killed the deathclaw that pops out of the ground, and check around the town to ensure there aren't any raiders hiding in corners from the awesome might of your power armor. If you are certain all the hostiles are actually dead, here's what you need to do next:

  • Find the body of the raider leader named Gristle and click on his corpse (make sure he's actually been selected and not just highlighted with your pointer).

  • Tap the ~ key (usually next to the 1 on most keyboards) to bring up the developer console.

  • Type “resurrect” (without the quotes) and tap Enter to bring Gristle back to life.

  • Immediately gun him down to finish the “Clear Concord Of Hostiles” objective.

  • RUN to the museum to talk to Preston Garvley to finish the quest before it bugs out again!

You may be worrying about using the developer console (which is typically used for cheating by granting immediate levels or creating items), but there's no cause for concern here, as it won't actually affect your Steam achievements or prevent you from unlocking new achievements.

Hunter/Hunted Broken Quest

This quest is known to cause crashes and display all sorts of odd behavior, so if you are having problems with it, first revert to a save game before entering Greenetech Genetics. Here's how to complete the quest without crashes or bugs from there:

  • Travel to the C.I.T. Ruins, but don't bother using the Courser signal to find and enter Greenetech.

  • Use the ~ key to open up the developer console (yeah, we're going to cheat a bit to make this one work).

  • Travel instantly to Greenetech Genetics by typing in the phrase “coc GreenetechGenetics01” (without the quotes) and hit Enter.

  • Kill your target Z2-47 as normal, but do NOT open any doors or leave the area, as this will frequently make his body un-lootable.

  • Take the Courser chip from his body but DON'T leave the building normally.

  • Open the developer console again and instantly teleport out of there by typing “coc sanctuaryExt” (without the quotes) and hit Enter.

Completing the hunter/hunted quest may take a little cheating..

Vision Stuck In Hazy Colors

Echoing that weird glitch from New Vegas where your pip boy would suddenly become incredibly bright and blurry for no apparent reason, there's a vision issue occurring intermittently in Fallout 4.

This issue causes your screen to become stuck in a blurry mode that most frequently seems to happen after using the night vision or recon scopes. To fix this issue, you'll again have to bring up the developer console by typing the ~ key and entering a specific command:

  • Type “rimod 00094636” (without the quotes) and hit enter to fix the night-vision scope/green color blur issue.

  • Type “rimod 002041B6” (without the quotes) and hit enter to fix the recon scope/white color blur issue.

Bad Frame Rate/Stuttering

Even when turning the graphics all the way down, some users with decent rigs that should be running Fallout 4 smoothly are still experiencing bad frame rates, stuttering, and slow downs during regular gameplay. I unfortunately experienced this one firsthand, as I recently bought a whole new gaming rig and was annoyed to discover the game ran terribly even at medium or low settings.

Turns out the culprit is a new tool downloaded with your latest GeForce driver if you have the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program installed. You only need this tool if you are actually streaming games from your PC to a SHIELD device, so if you aren't using that feature, you might as well turn it off and get better game performance. Here's how to turn this feature off:

  • Type the phrase “Services” (without the quotes) in the Windows search box

  • Right-click the Services icon and select “Run As Administrator.”

  • Scroll down to the “NVIDIA Streamer Service” entry and right-click it.

  • Choose “Stop” and then “Yes” to turn this service off

  • Right-click it again and select “Properties” and navigate to the “General” tab.

  • Choose “Disabled” in the “Startup Type” drop-down box to prevent the service from turning on automatically when you restart your computer.

Turning off the streamer service

If you aren't using the GeForce Experience, there are still ways to manually tweak settings to resolve stuttering, frame rate problems, and screen tearing. This requires changing the game's “.ini” file, which is found in a different location than you might expect.

Maybe Sims 5 would implement actually driving in the next game.Also, there are no achievements as it is a mod.There is no customization what so ever, so if you won’t be able to change any details. It is only cosmetic at the moment. Sims 3 car mods. Unless you contact the creator and make the changes for you.So there you have it.

  • Navigate in an explorer window to This PC>Documents>My Games>Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 city lagos
  • Right-click the configuration file simply named “Fallout 4” and choose “Open With” and then “Notepad.”

  • Scroll to the [Display] heading and change the iPresentInterval setting from “=1” to “=0” (without the quotes).

Opening the .ini file

Directly underneath the “iPresentInterval=0” line, manually type in these commands, entering one per line:

  • bTopMostWindow=0

  • bMaximizeWindow=0

  • bBorderless=0

  • bFull Screen=1

Save and close the file to turn off the game's internal v-sync options and get better Fallout 4 performance in full screen mode.

Fan Mods For Fixing Fallout 4 Bugs

There are already some users stepping up and resolving issues faster than the developer, and those fabulous modders have my eternal gratitude!

The Mo Betta Scrap mod, for instance, fixes issues with what sort of items you get when scrapping junk, while the Simple Bug Fixes mod does exactly what it sounds like: fixes some known issues with perks and damage percentages that can result in a less than satisfying game experience.

Although it doesn't actually fix a bug, any PC user should do themselves a favor and download the Full Dialog mod so you can actually see what is going to be said and not just get a general two or three word idea from the dialog tree.

Raiders and super mutants will tremble - if you can get past the bugs!

Do we need another performance guide? No, not really. However. This is a performance guide aimed at gaming/highend PCs. Why? Simple. Fallout 4 and especially its engine has many annoying quirks that cause FPS drops, unstable framerates, stutter, etc and usually it is not even the hardware's fault but much more the engine's like how it works or what it can handle and what not. Anyway. This is this type of guide so I think it will be helpful for enthusiasts and modders.

Precombined Meshes - Fix Low FPS Inside Big Cities Like Boston

We all know this. We are having a nice stroll inside Boston and then, BOOM, the FPS drops to 30FPS and of course exactly at this moments we get picked up by raiders and mutants. MEH. But why does this happen? Simple. The whole game has been build with a help, because Bethesda knew that the engine can't handle the bigger cities just like that. That is why they created a system called precombined meshes. This improves the performance inside cities by a A LOT. Areas around Bunker Hill often had 30-40FPS for me but after this fix it was 60+. Bethesda already used those precombined meshes by default but they are not as optimized as they could be plus a lot of mods break those meshes and this can cause horrible FPS drops.
If you want more infos on how exactly this works and why we need it.
How to fix. So far the only fix is by installing a mod named Boston FPS Fix.
I personally recommend you to load this mod as one of the lasts. I know that LOOT always sorts this as one of the first but this way it rarely helps, especially for heavy mod builds. A lot of mods change the precombined meshes and break them, usually without even needing to touch them. This mod should override all previous changes to the precombined meshes. Now keep in mind that this could theoretically break mods, I never had this issue though and I used probably like 200 mods at once. I think it is safe to say that it does not. I also recommend using this additonal paladinbaileyredrocket plugin. There is no reason not to and I never got why it isn't by default in the AiO.
In the future there might be more options than the Boston FPS Fix. I heard of some people working on a way to create precombined meshes yourself. The most effective way possible with mod support, etc. Maybe once.

Use Load Accelerator - For HYPER Fast Loading Screens!

We all know it. We fast traveled to a place and there it is.. The absolutely annoying loading screen which often takes 30-60 seconds. And this ALL the time. Boy was I ♥♥♥ after a while. I couldn't bear this thing anymore. And I have fast hardware and an SSD. The reason for those slow as hell loading screens is again the engine. It uses a vsync all the time to limit the game to 60FPS, because without this you will get all sorts of glitches. Sadly this is also applied in the loading screen and probably makes the loading screens 5-10 times longer. My average loading screens are 5-10 seconds now. Before they were 30+.
How to install. Download the mod here.

Fallout 4 City Lag Full

Just move the DLL + ini into the folder where your Fallout4.exe is located. This is one of the very few mods that isn't functioning as a traditional mod, but much more as a rendering plugin for the exe. It disables the FPS limit inside loading screens.

Reduce fDirShadowDistance - Better FPS in Some Areas Inside Boston (Financial District)

I know how this sounds. Reducing a setting to get better FPS.. There is a good reason I tell you this. The FO4 engine can't handle the amount of shadows that are thrown inside some parts of Boston. We are actually talking about a engine bottleneck, not a hardware one. Not even a Nasa PC could help here. The fDirShadowDistance handles the shadows that big and complex objects cast. Around the Financial District this is the worst and often causes below 30FPS. You can try it yourself if you don't believe me. I had 60+FPS after this.
The fix: Now what we are doing is changing only one line. You can leave the shadow distance on ultra in the Fallout Launcher. But keep in mind that you have to do this ini edit all the time if you use the Fallout Launcher again.
Open the fallout4prefs.ini and search for a line named 'fDirShadowDistance'. And change the value after the '=' to 3000. That's it already. After this you will see a massive boost in some areas inside Boston since the engine isn't bottlenecked anymore.
The ini is usually located in the documents - games area but can also be somewhere else if you use Mod Organizer and profiles. I bet you will find it or know where it is.

Disable Weapon Debris PhysX - Fix Weird 1FPS Drops

Now I know for sure that not all suffer from this. My old 970 GPU never had a issue with the Weapon Debris setting from Nvidia. But on my 1070Ti it sometimes causes very weird FPS drops. We are talking about 1-3FPS. I am not even kidding here. The triggers seem to be some of the particles from this specific Weapon Debris PhysX setting. Grenades or punching the wall (yes, really..) usually caused this issue for me. After the FPS drop I usually had to reload a previous safe or reload the game but sometimes it went away after some seconds. Usually this caused my GPU usage to go to 100% usage instantly until those FPS issues are fixed. I found people which describe similar issues quite often but barely anyone had a fix for them. I hope that this might be your fix for this weird issue.
I don't know if all those 1FPS drops are caused by the same issue. It could be that you suffer from something similar but this doesn't help you. If you know other fixes for such issues, feel free to leave a note for me and others since this problem seems to be uncommon and many people can't fix it at all. I already saw some videos about this on YouTube after the game launch and I am not even sure if this setting was already in the game back then. Because there was a update at some point which added Nvidia settings to the game.

Don't Use Ultra Godrays - For Pre GTX 1000er Series GPUs

While I didn't want to include this at first since it is one of those lower settings guide, I still did since it can be imporant for some people. Even for those with a 970+.
The Ultra Godrays setting killed FPS even on my old 970. Not anymore on my 1070Ti but still. What helps is already lowering the setting to anything below Ultra to see noticeable improvements in godray heavy areas. You can do this in the Fallout Launcher.