
Download Buku Dari Google Book

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Cara Download Buku Google (Google Books). POSTING cara mendownload (mengunduh) Buku Google (Google Books) ini saya buat setelah dipraktikkan dan sukses. Saya sudah lama tidak mendownload buku yang ada di Google. Hari ini (22/8/2014) 'terpaksa' harus berselancar dan mendownload beberapa buku berbahasa Inggris. Soalnya, yang bahasa Indonesianya. Cara Mudah Mendownload Buku Dari Google Book Buku adalah Jendela Ilmu, Belajar tanpa buku sama saja bohong. Tapi bagaimana jika kita ingin membaca buku tetapi bingung untuk mencarinya ditoko buku. Cara Mudah Mendownload Buku Dari Google Book Buku adalah Jendela Ilmu, Belajar tanpa buku sama saja bohong. Tapi bagaimana jika kita ingin membaca buku tetapi bingung untuk mencarinya ditoko buku. Tentu saja alternatif kita sebagai pelaku Dunia IT adalah mencarinya di google. Download Google Book Downloader. Tentu saja Install sampai.

I want to download free Google books in pdf format.

Is there any Google Books downloading tool available for Ubuntu?

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2 Answers

There is a Python program called PySheng than did the job for me.

It's available on Github at https://github.com/tokland/pysheng

You can run the following commands to install it.

Now PySheng will be available from the Termainl.

You can run pysheng-gui and pysheng from the terminal for the GUI and terminal version respectively.


Thanks to @Glutanimate for his comment to the OP.

getxbook makes a good case for why it is the best option available. I just installed it and used it to download this book with success.

Download Buku Dari Google Book Online

getxbook comes with installation instructions (in the INSTALL file). Once installed, it is run as follows:

Alternatively, the command

Google Books Subscription

can be used. (The book ID is in the URL for the book. For example, the ID for the book I downloaded is 3pK1-LxtFV4C.)

If only a subset of pages is desired, use


And then enter the pages you want, one at a time, e.g.:

When I said the book was downloaded with success, I wasn't being totally honest. For some reason, getxbook missed a few pages that were available in the preview. To get these, I followed these instructions.

Note that the book is downloaded to a sub-directory of the current directory named with the book ID. It is downloaded as a set of .png and/or .jpg files, one per page. These can be converted to .pdf format as follows (after converting the .jpg files to .png files one by one):

Note that if you intend to print this .pdf on paper, you may need to resize some of the individual images (so that they're all roughly the same size) before converting to the .pdf. I used gimp to do this.


Cara Download Buku Dari Google Book

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