
Apex Legends Port Forwarding

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  1. My internet is A1 no disconenection from there my other games work and apps work. Just apex servers I get disconnected. I've tried multiple things like reset MAC address and opening nat etc. I've recently learned certain ports need forwarding for some routers. These are the numbers.
  2. Whether port forwarding has anything to do with your ISP depends on your ISP/package. Some ISPs where I am use enterprise level NAT which means you share an IP address with others, and if you want to port forward you are given just a few port numbers that you can use. This happened to me when I changed ISPs; I had to pay extra for a public IP.

Playing Apex Legends is extremely fun and the gameplay attracts more players each day even though the current state of the game is debatable in terms of how rich the content is. If you want to improve the way you play Apex Legends, you may need more than just putting in lots of hours to improve. This is where the connection stability comes into play.

The router in your home is probably not designed to allow incoming network requests and this can have a huge effect in the way that the games are played. Since Apex Legends is an FPS Battle Royale, even a split second can determine that sweet line between victory and elimination. You will need to open a port on your router to have less lag while playing.

How it’s done?

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First and foremost, you will need to find your router’s IP address. It can be found by using CMD on Windows. Just go ahead and press the Windows button+R to open the Run menu, then type in cmd and click Ok. On the cmd control, type in ipconfig and press enter. This menu will give you a good idea about your network. What you’re looking for is the Default Gateway, which is probably

Apex Legends Port Forwarding Number

Now that you know your router’s IP address, open up your web browser and navigate to your router’s IP address.

  • Find your router’s port forwarding menu.
  • Enter the IP address of your computer or your gaming console in the box.
  • Put the UDP and TCP ports for your game in the right boxes in your router. The UDP and TCP are listed below.
  • Reboot your router and it should be done.

Apex Legends Port Forwarding Number

Apex Legends Port Forwarding

Apex Legends Ports

Apex Legends PC

TCP: 1024-1124,3216,9960 9969,18000,18060,18120,27900,28910,29900

UDP: 1024-1124,18000,29900,37000-40000


Apex Legends PlayStation 4

TCP: 1024-1124,1935,3216,3478-3480,9960-9969,18000,18060,18120,27900,28910,29900

UDP: 1024-1124,3074,3478-3479,18000,29900,37000-40000

Apex Legends Xbox One

TCP: 1024-1124,3074,3216,9960-9969,18000,18060,18120,27900,28910,29900

UDP: 88,500,1024-1124,3074,3544,4500,18000,29900,37000-40000

Many games require you to set up a port forward. We have guides for every game and every router to help save you time. Simply follow one of our guides below and you should have a port forwarded in no time.

Be sure you have set up a Static IP Address before you get started.

If you are trying to change your NAT Type be sure to read our NAT Types Defined guide. This is the most comprehensive definition of gaming console NAT Types on the internet.

We also have a large collection of Game Walkthroughs written by gamers from our site with high resolution screen captures.

If the game that you are looking for is not here, be sure to check our complete list of all games and applications.

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Jason Bauer

Jason Bauer is an owner and programmer for PortForward. You can find more of his articles in the Games and Applications section of our site.