
View Devices Connected To Router

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  1. View Devices Connected To Router Cable
  2. How Can I See All Devices Connected To My Network?

Log into Orbi and and click on Attached Devices. Click on any device name to enter Edit Device screen. Click in device name box. Press the key on your computer. For me this brings up an alternate listing showing devices connected to the router and each satellite.

If you run a Wi-Fi network at home or at the office, it is important to know who is connected to it. At worst, unauthorized users may be able to hack into computers on the network and gain access to sensitive information; on the less-dangerous end of the spectrum, a surplus of users can slow down the network speed, particularly if they are streaming video or downloading files. By tracking connected devices, you can keep your network safe and make it easier to troubleshoot performance issues.

Router IP Address

  • View a list of your devices. Windows 10 offers you several lists of devices: All devices that are connected to your computer. Installed printers and scanners. Available Bluetooth devices in your area (if your device has Bluetooth) To view the devices available in Windows 10 follow these steps.
  • Re: view connected devices doesn't load. I went to the Gateway site ( Troubleshooting Reset/Reboot Gateway Restore Factory Settings. I had to do it twice actually - the first time I clicked it, nothing happened. Did it again and the modem reset (lights off, gradually came back on, etc.).

Before you can find the users who are on your network, you will need to find your router's IP address. The IP address is necessary to access the router console and configuration screen. On many routers, the IP address is printed on a label on the bottom of the device. It may also be printed in your manual. If you cannot find the address in either place, put your mouse pointer at the top right corner of the Windows 8 screen and move it down. In the search box, type 'command prompt,' click on 'Apps' and click on the 'Command Prompt' icon in the search results. Type 'ipconfig' into the window and press the 'Enter' key. Look for the Default Gateway listing; the IP address will be on the same line. On a Mac, open System Preferences, click the 'Network' pane and look for the TCP/IP tab. The IP address is listed after the Router heading.

View Devices Connected To Router Cable

Router Administration Screen

All routers can be managed using an online interface. To access your router's administration screen, simply open a Web browser, enter the router's IP address and press the 'Enter' key. Log in using your username and password. The router administration screen is different for every router, so you may need to look for headings like Network Settings, Network, or System Preferences. On a D-Link router, for example, you will need to choose Network Settings. In that section, you will find a list of the MAC addresses for devices that are connected to your router.

Identifying Devices

Depending on your router's security settings and the size of your network, you may or may not be able to identify each connected device. If you have a password-protected network with a limited number of users, you can ask each user to send you the MAC address of each device he's using to connect to the network. By comparing that data to the list of connected devices, you can see who is online and identify unauthorized devices. On larger networks or open networks, it may be impossible to identify every device that is connected to the network.

Restricting Router Access

Many routers come with built-in access control, which allows you to restrict the number of users that can connect to your Wi-Fi network. Access controls are usually found in the Advanced Settings area of your router's configuration panel. On a Netgear Genie router, the setting is found in the Wireless Settings area of the Advanced Settings tab. To activate it, you will need to turn on access control and add your devices using device names, MAC addresses, or both. Once you apply the change, only authorized devices will be able to connect to your network.

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If you aren’t already, you should be checking your network and all of the devices connected to it every once in a while. It sounds like a technical task, but it’s actually way easier than you think.

It can be easy to fall into a pattern of connecting devices to your Wi-Fi without a second thought, but when your Wi-Fi begins to slow down, or if you’re worried about security, or even if you’re just doing some home computing improvements, you may want to know what devices are running on your networkHow To Tell If Someone Is Using Your Wireless NetworkHow To Tell If Someone Is Using Your Wireless NetworkRead More.

Ideally, it would be as simple as heading over to your router and checking the cables like you could back in the “good ole days”, but since everything is wireless these days, you’ll have to do a bit of digging.

Understanding Wireless Connections

When you connect a device to your network, it is assigned an IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is a unique numeric label that identifies each device that connects to the Internet at large.

But when you use a router, it’s the router itself that connects to the Internet — and then shares that connection with all the devices that connect to the router. The devices all share the same external IP address, but they have unique internal IP addresses which is how the router differentiates between them.

These internal IP addresses commonly take the form of 192.168.0.xxx where xxx is an identifying number between 1 and 255. Most modern routers use what’s known as DCHP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to automatically assign IP addresses to devices upon connection.

Furthermore, these IP addresses are usually dynamic, meaning they may or may not change the next time the device connects. If you don’t want a device’s IP address to change like that, you’ll have to specifically assign it a static IP addressWhat Is a Static IP Address? Here's Why You Don't Need OneWhat Is a Static IP Address? Here's Why You Don't Need OneRouter-assigned IP addresses change occasionally, while static IP addresses do not. Here's why you don't really need one.Read More.

Dynamic IP addresses mean that you can not track a device over time, or if the name of the device is unclear, you need an additional way to identify the device — and that’s where Media Access Control (MAC) addresses come into play. Every device has a unique MAC address that’s defined by its manufacturer.

Knowing all of this, we can now explore some of the methods you can use to discover and identify the various devices that are connected to your network at any given time.

How Can I See All Devices Connected To My Network?

Checking on the Router

Nearly all routers have a dedicated Web interface that you can log onto to access information about the router such as its firmware version, connection status, security settings, and what devices are currently connected to it. Most router interfaces, especially D-Link and Netgear, are accessed by typing into a Web browser.

Note: If your router interface isn’t accessible through, you can find your address by opening Command Prompt, using the ipconfig/all command, and looking for the “Default Gateway” address.

The router will then ask you to log on using your administrator credentials. These are usually set to defaults when you first set up the router, and if you haven’t changed them yet, then you absolutely should!

Once logged on, the options and information will vary depending on the router, but usually somewhere in the Settings there is an option for “Device Connection Status”.

I use Virgin Media in the U.K. as my ISP, and you can see in the screenshot above that the Web interface lists out the devices currently connected to my network. There is information provided for each device, including the IP address, MAC address, and device name.

If there is a device that looks suspicious or foreign, you can power off each of your network-connected devices one at a time. If a device still remains after everything is disconnected, this could be evidence of an unwanted or potentially sinister device connected to your network.

While this method of finding the devices on your network is fairly straightforward, it does mean having to log onto your router every time you want to see what’s connected, and it doesn’t provide any tracking over time or detailed information, so it’s an okay method at best.

Also worth keeping in mind is that most routers will only display IP addresses that are assigned using DCHP, so static IP devices won’t show in these lists and will potentially evade your notice.

Checking With WNW

As is usually the way with Windows, there are a whole host of different ways to identify devices on your network. One of the most effective tools is Wireless Network Watcher (WNW) by NirSoft.

This is a tool which scans the network you are connected to and returns a list of devices with their MAC and IP addresses. You can also export the list if needed. The main difference between this method and the router method is that you can automatically refresh this list, and even create alerts for when a particular device is added or removed from the network.

One of the best benefits, however, is that you can choose to download it either as an installable executable or as a ZIP which you can run without installation. Take it with you anywhere you go by tossing it on a USB flash driveAre USB Flash Drives Still Worth It In 2015?Are USB Flash Drives Still Worth It In 2015?USB flash drives are great for storage, but they have so many other uses. Here's how they're worth their weight in gold.Read More and carrying it in your pocket!

Checking With Fing

There are a lot of third-party apps that allow you to view network devices, but Fing is one of the most useful, and has great cross-platform support being able to run on Windows, iOS, and Android.

On iOS and Android, you can download the app and, once it’s installed, open it and run the “Network Discovery” function. This will scan the network you are currently connected to and return a list of connected devices.

As with the previously mentioned techniques, this returns IP address, MAC address, and device name. It is a quick and painless method of checking your network status while on a mobile device. You can also refresh the list whenever you want, allowing you to turn on and off devices and quickly see the impact on the device list.

What makes Fing particularly useful for regular monitoring is that it stores the information about the network so that when you view the devices list next time, you are able to see which devices have been seen on the network but are no longer connected (shown in grey text in the screenshot above).

By long-pressing on a specific device, you enter device edit mode. Here you can name the device and add additional notes. I use the notes section to add whether the device is wired or wireless and where it’s located in the house.

Fing can be run as a command line tool on most non-mobile operating systems, including Windows, OS X, Linux, and even the Raspberry PiTurn Your Raspberry Pi into a Network Monitoring ToolTurn Your Raspberry Pi into a Network Monitoring ToolNetwork monitoring software Nagios is quick to install and straightforward to configure –but a waste of a full PC. Raspberry Pi to the rescue.Read More.

Fing also has a paid subscription service called Fingbox. This is a cloud-connected hub that allows you to monitor up to 10 networks remotely. This is run using a “sentinel” from Fingbox on your computer which will monitor the network. You can also log into your Fingbox account on the mobile app and sync the network to Fingbox.

Do You See Any Suspicious Devices?

There are many reasons—from security to maintenance to just plain curiosity—why you should regularly check your home network for foreign devices. Depending on your reason, you may be able to get by with something as simple as the router Web interface or you may need a more comprehensive tool like Fing.

If you are trying to hunt out a rogue device, this can require some mild detective work and investigation. Setting up these tools and practices is a good place to start though, and with proactive monitoring of your networkHow to Monitor and Restrict Router Traffic: 4 Tips and TricksHow to Monitor and Restrict Router Traffic: 4 Tips and TricksHow do you make sure your kids are actually sleeping on a school night and not staying up streaming internet videos?Read More, you are putting yourself in a position to better protect your home networkHow To Test Your Home Network Security With Free Hacking ToolsHow To Test Your Home Network Security With Free Hacking ToolsNo system can be entirely 'hack proof' but browser security tests and network safeguards can make your set-up more robust. Use these free tools to identify 'weak spots' in your home network.Read More. If you ever come across any problems with it, try these simple steps to diagnose network problemsNetwork Problems? 7 Diagnostic Tricks and Simple FixesNetwork Problems? 7 Diagnostic Tricks and Simple FixesNetwork problems must be diagnosed before they can be resolved. This article covers seven simple tricks for fixing your network.Read More.

Image Credit: VectorPainter via Shutterstock.com

Explore more about: Computer Networks, Online Security, Router, Wi-Fi.

How can i see what devices are connected to my network
  1. My neighbor is using an app called wpsapp to try and Crack wifi passwords. Mine is strong enough and it can be hacked with that app. He wanted to show off so he talk me about it. Not about my network specifically of course. But what worried me is the fact that he gets the bssid (is it the same than Mac address?) of all the wifi networks around. So for what a iresd it is not a good thing he can see that information, is it?. Can he trick my router knowing the Mac or bssid to connect to it? Is something I can do to hide it?

    Thank you

  2. I checked with my router and saw only one device wirelessly connected which I recognized. It was my phone. But then I checked with Fing on my phone and a Samsung S5 Neo phone is shown as attached. I do not recognize this item.

    I tried to block the MAC address of this Samsung phone in the router settings and it still shows up as connected in Fing.

    What could account for the discrepancy?

  3. Hi, I used Fing and it said that a WFA device is attached to my router. I’m not sure what a WFA device is, but I reset my router and changed the router, but it’s still showing up. I don’t know what to do?

  4. I have read the article. It is frightening. I find it very technical and wish you offered something easy enough for a 70 year old Zimbabwean woman to follow. I shall follow one method and hope you will help when I get stuck. I use a Samsung phone but hope to change to an iPhone in the near future.

  5. Hi, I had some reasons to be suspicious of a man who works at my college and I scanned the school wifi one night when everyone is gone because school ended and it was late. I used fing and my phone popped up as well as a macbook with the dude I am suspicious of's first name in front. It had a wake on lan and many ip addresses attached. I notified my tech support at school. Is this a coincidence? Do colleges use macbook's as remote routers/servers to other devices commonly?

  6. i have about 10 devices all named kindle-09294b615 on my network, some online some offline, some with the same IP address, all with different MAC addresses. Neither me nor my gf own a kindle. i think maybe two of them might be from our ipads although neither of us use the app. i don't know where the others are coming from. no one but us knows the password

  7. Very helpful in many ways although I could not find the 'devices connected' section but am still working on it.
    Also thanks for the monitoring program suggestions.