
Total War Rome 2 Wrath Of Sparta

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How can the answer be improved? Total War: Rome 2 fans have a chance to tackle the challenges of the Peloponnesian Wars in the latest campaign DLC. Total War: Rome 2 Wrath of Sparta is a new campaign set in the Hellenic world.

By David Witmer

The Wrath of Sparta expansion for Total War: Rome II will release for the PC on December 16.

Total War Rome 2 Wrath Of SpartaTotal war rome 2 wrath of sparta free

Set at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War - a historical conflict between the city-states of Sparta and Athens - the expansion takes players to ancient Greece in the year 432 B.C., several decades after the Greek wars with Persia made famous by the 300 series.

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This is the farthest back in time the series has gone, and in this expansion, developer Creative Assembly has attempted to capture the details of the Greek world. Total War: Rome II -- Wrath of Sparta will have new tech trees, units for land and sea warfare, and will include popular Greek heroes. The expansion will also include cultural features like festivals and sports competitions.

Total War: Rome II's last expansion, Hannibal at the Gates came out earlier this year, taking place during Rome's war with Carthage in the Second Punic War. Sega also recently released the game's Empire Edition, which brought together all previously release material and featured an all new campaign expansion called Imperator Augustus.

Head over to our Total War: Rome II wiki guide for everything you need to know about the game and its expansions.

David Witmer is a freelance writer for IGN. He enjoys tweeting and blogging about deep stuff. Follow him on Twitter @d_witmer, or on IGN at dynasty_70.


Total War Rome 2 Wrath Of Sparta Free

  • Senior MemberPosts: 6,127Registered Users
    Look at WarriorofSparta.. trying to economically cripple a Very Hard AI... :rolleyes:
    Balancing is a far more intricate thing than looking at who wins a 1v1 fight.

    My Build:
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    Boot Drive: Intel 530 series 240GB SSD
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    Storage Drive: WD Black 2TB HDD
  • Senior MemberKaraz BrynPosts: 10,866Registered Users
    Sparti does Sparta, Sparti does Sparta, Sparti does Sparta!
    'Raise them, Necromancer. Set brother against brother. Let's give our hosts something worthy of recording in their pathetic book of complaints, shall we?'
    The Queen of Mysteries, on the Book of Grudges.
    Her voice was as rustling silk. 'In the darkness I dreamt of you, cousin.'
    'Hawk no longer. My wings are dust and bone. I crawl through time now, like an asp.'
    'You took my wings, Neferata. You made me crawl. Now I return the favour. Crawl, cousin. Crawl.'
    Team Elize von Carstein
    Warhammer Lore, by Sotek!
    For ease of memory, if we're not talking about cavalry, everything the High Elves have is better than everything the Dark Elves have.
    Izzy's More-Loreful Stats Mod
  • Senior MemberPosts: 440Registered Users
  • Senior MemberEstaliaPosts: 543Registered Users
    Malekith is the true Phoenix King and Wood elves can suck my Widow-maker
  • edited December 2014
    Well atleast we got to see some of Sparta's new units. I'm guessing we will get the other 3 elite features some time today?
  • edited December 2014
    It seems to me like it's way too easy for Sparta to make friends and isolate the Athenians early on...
  • Senior MemberAustraliaPosts: 4,715Registered Users
    'We shall have peace. We shall have peace when you answer for the burning of the Westfold, and the children that lie dead there. When the lives of the soldiers, whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the Gates of the Hornburg are avenged! When you hang from a gibbet, for the sport of your own crows, we shall have peace.'
    Theoden to Saruman at Orthanc, also my total war philosophy.
  • Senior MemberPosts: 18,052Registered Users
    It seems to me like it's way too easy for Sparta to make friends and isolate the Athenians early on...
    It's historical irony, Athens was a democracy and yet acted in a openly imperialist and oppressive manner towards the other greek cities, Sparta, which was a state build on slavery and authoritarianism became the champion of greek freedom because they were mostly concerened with themselves.
    It's actually fairly accurate to how this whole war got started.
  • Senior MemberPosts: 731Registered Users
    are naval and land units finaly be seperated?
    Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win.
  • Senior MemberPosts: 116Registered Users
    this is gonna be my favorite campaign because i'm for Greece. but why sparta is enemy of athens?
    the huns are coming to raze and sack roman lands. the great attila is sending his horde to destroy the eastern romans. only i can save rome and destroy attila
  • Senior MemberPosts: 8,209Registered Users
    Where are the remaining 3 elite units in spotlight thread?
    Its about to be released tomorrow...
  • Senior MemberKaraz BrynPosts: 10,866Registered Users
    this is gonna be my favorite campaign because i'm for Greece. but why sparta is enemy of athens?

    That's what happened in the Peloponnesian Wars. Disagreements beforehand rather mounted, unfortunately.
    'Raise them, Necromancer. Set brother against brother. Let's give our hosts something worthy of recording in their pathetic book of complaints, shall we?'
    The Queen of Mysteries, on the Book of Grudges.
    Her voice was as rustling silk. 'In the darkness I dreamt of you, cousin.'
    'Hawk no longer. My wings are dust and bone. I crawl through time now, like an asp.'
    'You took my wings, Neferata. You made me crawl. Now I return the favour. Crawl, cousin. Crawl.'
    Team Elize von Carstein
    Warhammer Lore, by Sotek!
    For ease of memory, if we're not talking about cavalry, everything the High Elves have is better than everything the Dark Elves have.
    Izzy's More-Loreful Stats Mod
  • Junior MemberPosts: 21Registered Users
    this is gonna be my favorite campaign because i'm for Greece. but why sparta is enemy of athens?

    Most of classical Greek history consists of infighting between the competing Greek poleis. Greece was not even united in the Persian wars, some sided with the Persians, some bandied together in opposition. In the Pelopponesian war (this dlc) the Spartans received financial support from the Persians.
    My biggest question is why does Sparta have walls?
  • edited December 2014
    this is gonna be my favorite campaign because i'm for Greece. but why sparta is enemy of athens?

    Because Athens was not Sparta. That was pretty much enough back then
  • Senior MemberThe PhilippinesPosts: 1,328Registered Users
    Hey all,
    Our upcoming campaign pack Wrath of Sparta is nearly upon us and a lot of you have been asking for us to show you more of that iconic faction from the Peloponnesian war. Well, we’ve asked a few of our YouTube community guys to have a crack at an early version of the campaign to show you guys all the fun details.
    First up, we have the fearsome Warrior of Sparta, to show you the campaign of Sparta, in Wrath of Sparta. That’s three levels of Hellenic inception right there.
    -Will CA
    Too much Sparta.
    I cannot force you to believe the truth but i can allow you to believe a lie. Quote by me ' Icenii '.
  • Senior MemberLondonPosts: 3,012Registered Users
    Yes, seeing the 'Lack of subtlety' faction trait for Sparta did remind me of this scene from 300:
    Doesn't really get more unsubtle that booting a diplomat down a well
  • edited December 2014
    Rome 2 finished campaigns .
    GC---Odrysian Kingdom, Lusitani , Cimmeria , Iceni , Baktria , Massagetae , Sparta ,Pergamon , Getae , Athens .
    HATG---Lusitani , Syracuse , Rome .
    IA----Lepidus .
    CIG---Nervii .
    WOS---Boiotian League
  • edited December 2014
    I have absolutely no interest playing as Sparta Athens looks more appealing.
    Looks like a great DLC though, although unit rosters could of been made more unique, in my opinion.
    Join in the gaming discussions and play ROME II with us at Total War Center
  • edited December 2014
    One thing saddens me a lot... CA stuff dont even realize how horribly bad those battles look like with all units blobbing like that... and no matter how often players complain about it, they are unable to do something about it already...
  • Senior MemberLondonPosts: 3,012Registered Users
    The campaign map is looking lusher than ever. Some lovely water effects on the sea.
    If only it would play as good as it looks, but with none of the new features announced for Attila being introduced, I'll be passing on this one myself.
  • edited December 2014
    Does anyone know the time that this DLC will be released in the UK tomorrow?
  • edited December 2014
    Main problem with campaign map is in the way how campaign interactions are made in R2. There is just no strategy out there... everything is way too simplified, while AI gets some strange advantages. Like for example, you can have army placed somewhere, with zone of control covering whole path, yet AI is allowed to move through your position if it wants to attack something behind you. there is no interception programed, unless you are in ambush mode, which makes absolutely no sense - army placed in strategic point should have opportunity to engage enemy army instead of letting them through without fight... Imagine Leonidas with his 300 standing at Thermopylae blocking the path for Persian army, just to witness that Persian army ignore his position and march through attacking and taking Athens in the same turn... and this is exactly what happens in Rome 2 in such situation... there is absolutely no need to place armies into strategically important spots, as there are no such thing in the game.. on contrary, you need to keep your armies close to the cities if you want to protect them, yet even that is not enough as enemy agents can just suppress reinforcement by successful agent action, and enemy can destroy your armies one by one...
  • edited December 2014
    Main problem with campaign map is in the way how campaign interactions are made in R2. There is just no strategy out there... everything is way too simplified, while AI gets some strange advantages. Like for example, you can have army placed somewhere, with zone of control covering whole path, yet AI is allowed to move through your position if it wants to attack something behind you. there is no interception programed, unless you are in ambush mode, which makes absolutely no sense - army placed in strategic point should have opportunity to engage enemy army instead of letting them through without fight... Imagine Leonidas with his 300 standing at Thermopylae blocking the path for Persian army, just to witness that Persian army ignore his position and march through attacking and taking Athens in the same turn... and this is exactly what happens in Rome 2 in such situation... there is absolutely no need to place armies into strategically important spots, as there are no such thing in the game.. on contrary, you need to keep your armies close to the cities if you want to protect them, yet even that is not enough as enemy agents can just suppress reinforcement by successful agent action, and enemy can destroy your armies one by one...

    This bugs me a lot too, especially with navies. On my last campaign with Massila my agent sucessfully poisoned an army and prevents it to move in the next turn (not half movement restritction, total movement restriction). Then, in the next turn, the same army moved and took one city. Those **** ustoppable forces.
  • Senior MemberPosts: 7,337Registered Users
    I agree that Zones of Control need to function; and while an agent can take out an army's reinforcement capability this should be rare, not common (I don't think of them as simply 'agents' but rather their consequences are 'things outside of the commander's control' such as Bernadotte's failure to reinforce Davout at Auerstedt; or disease lowering the number of effective fighting men in an army) .
    In fact if there were one thing I could change in the game it would be an Army's ZOC.
  • edited December 2014
    ZOC is a shame.. it worked great in ETW and NTW... not sure why they had to gut it like this in R2..
  • edited December 2014
    Hey Guys theres other Let's Play videos Available for:
    Boitian League
    And Athens
  • edited December 2014
    No, please, not another UI change in the main menu. I like the current white UI with a golden coin.
  • Senior MemberPosts: 412Registered Users
    All of my posts in the Rome 2 forums are satire unless I say otherwise.
    Add me on Steam! Ultimate Baconator
    40 euro was my present to american economic.glhf
    My countdown of top Total War games:
    1) Rome 2/Napoleon
    2) Empire
    3) Medieval 2
    4) Rome 1
    5) Shogun 2
  • Senior MemberPosts: 8,209Registered Users
  • Senior MemberPosts: 570Registered Users
    ZOC is a shame.. it worked great in ETW and NTW... not sure why they had to gut it like this in R2..

    Even as far back as rome 1 and med 2. I placed armys on bridges and between mountains if I was outnumbered but couldn't avoid a fight with the incoming army.
    I feel so sorry for the developing team. Due to the lack of communications with the ambitious PR team they've had so much stress and so many problems to deal with.