
Project Aho Secret Codes

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Project Aho Secret Codes
  1. Project Aho All Secret Codes
  2. Skyrim Project Aho Repository Codes

Project Aho All Secret Codes

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Skyrim Project Aho Repository Codes

So I gave this mod a shot, but I didn't get very far. Here's why:
1. I was approached too early. The description says level 15, but I was only level 9. The comments here say that the combat is brutal and even level 15 is way too low to attempt this. I didn't get far enough to get into any combat, but I doubt my level 9 mage would stand much of a chance. It would seem a balance pass is sorely required.
2. The amulet that the slavers talk so much about - no free will, can't attack anyone, etc. - is total bunk. It wasn't even equipped by default. I put it on thinking it would stop me from using my magic, but no, it doesn't. Then I thought surely I wouldn't be able to take it off, but yes, you can. Pointless. If I had started this quest after reaching a much higher level what's to stop this 'slave' from melting everyone's face off and escaping?
3. The dialog we get to choose from doesn't fit the situation at all. For example, I found Yargol gro-Shak, the guy that abducted us. All I can talk about is 'Oh, you don't see many Orc traders.' Really? I want to grind this guy under my boot for turning me into a slave and all I get is friendly small talk? No.
4. The quests don't really fit the situation we're in. This lady wants my help with her boyfriend problems? You abducted me into slavery! I don't care about your relationship issues lady, I want to raze this place to the ground! The mindset I'm in as the player and the mindset of the mod couldn't be more opposed.
At this point I decided I was done with this. I loaded a save from right before Yargol approached me, and disabled him with the console. If/when I start a new game this mod is getting removed. It seems a real shame though. The underground city is beautiful, and I like the overall concept, but for the reasons given I just couldn't continue.