
Parking Meter Blue Vintage

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  1. Old Parking Meters For Sale

Beware of this bar - it's a trap for young players. I love Bui Vien St and have visited several times, in fact I stay at the same good hotel in this street every time I come through Saigon. The bars are generally good and whilst you always get the usual amount of spruiking from the massage girls etc on the street, it's all good fun.
On a recent trip with a group of friends, two of them spent tooooo long in the Crazy Girls bar, and ended up getting stung for $500 of drinks they never ordered. It's a scam you find in HK and Bankok but it's rare in Vietnam, except for this dump. Stay away there are loads of better bars right alongside or only a 1-3 minute wander away. When my mates challenged the bill a group of thugs turned up almost immediately and went at them with sticks. It had to be sorted out with the assistance of our Hotel staff, and they advised it was a mistake to go in there.
Enjoy Bui Vien St, have whatever type of massage you want, get drunk, meet the locals - JUST STAY AWAY FROM CRAZY GIRLS BAR. (It's not even a good looking bar anyway, prettier girls elsewhere.

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Old Parking Meters For Sale

This is an Instructable on how to convert an old parking meter into a stylish lamp. Difficulty may vary depending on what shape/ kind of parking meter you choose. I was lucky in the fact that the meters that I acquired had no mechanical insert so I did not need a key. If you get a meter with the key this will actually be even easier! I have made a few variations of this already so many variations can be made that I will point out along the way.
Time: Dependant on type of lamp or base you have/ decide to create but generally they take me somewhere between 6-8 hours, a great weekend project.
Cost: Dependant on materials, the base costs me $100 to make at a metal shop. If I go with CF lights it will cost less than $10.00. In this project I will be using LED strips because my cousin wanted one where the color changes . You can get LED strip kits for about 50 bucks.
Skills needed: Basic soldering and electronics will be an asset. Welding if you choose to make your own base.
One of the most difficult parts of this project will be making a sturdy enough base so that it cant be knocked over easily (they are very heavy..). The ones I had came with a stand that was wallmounted at one point but I didn't want to use heavy hardware to attach them to the wall. I made a shorter lighter version and 2 taller 'fullsize' versions that use some heavy steel. As for the rest of the project there is basic soldering for the lighting, cleaning, and getting everything to fit! if you have a key already you can skip the step where you disable the lock cylinders. The cylinders need to be disabled so you can easily access the bulbs if they need replacing and you can also get to the money compartment where I like to stash all of the wiring. It can also be a fancy hidden compartment!