
Clear Sky Faction Wars

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Each of the main factions provide services, most importantly access to a trader and an engineer. While Scar is always aligned with Clear Sky, and his ultimate goal is to defeat Strelok, he can fight against or ally with the four other factions in the Zone (Stalkers, Duty, Freedom and Bandits). The Swamp-dwelling Renegades or the Military. Additional Faction fronts clear sky selection ACE Online Ace Online is a Science Fiction MMO game, in which players control a starfighter plane and engage into epic and grand battles in the clear sky. I hope you can pull all of this off! The Faction Wars is a great mod, and if you can nail down some of the loadout-related crashes, that could make the mod a lot more bearable. I remember it being most bad when I had my Merc base in Agroprom full to the max and when I was attacking Freedom's base in Military Warehouse.

  1. Srp Clear Sky
  2. Clear Sky Faction Wars Arsenal Overhaul
  3. Faction Wars Destiny 2
Faction wars minecraft

Srp Clear Sky

Hey guys. Recently I had seen a couple people ask if this merger existed, and I too had wondered that. Well, it didn't exist as far as I was aware, so I made it. This is not a full merger, at least not yet.

To kick things off, here is a video of the Neutral Base, Cordon. Please excuse the music, its a little lame for this I guess. The video resolution is also a little too low.

So in that video, you'll see the new weapons distributed amongst the stalkers. They control two to three resource points judging from the SKS that the sniper is using. This is the weapon tier for the stalkers, or Defiance in TFW. I need to create lists for Duty, Freedom, and the Bandits before the mod is complete, and then modify character descriptions in an xml file to update weapons for Monolith and the Army etc, but those ones are easy.

That is where I want a little bit of community input at this point. I want help creating balanced lists for all of those classes, so the merger can be as fun as possible for everyone. I will likely post drafts of the weapon tiers for the factions tomorrow after I get home from work in this thread.

As of right now, it does not support atmosfear to my knowledge. It might work, but it might not. I will make it work shortly after an initial release, however.

I will also be releasing a couple options with the merger. They will include double damage by weapons, as well as random weapons for all actors. I could also possibly create yet another configuration with all weapons using their vanilla stats.

Clear Sky Faction Wars Arsenal Overhaul

Anyways, I thought I'd let people know this thing is in the works and that its actually pretty close to completion from what I can tell. I need to update a few icons as you'll see at the end of the video where I show different weapons.

Edit: As a little stress test, I created a little script that spawns random enemy squads at four faction bases every twenty to sixty seconds or so. In this video, I am at the Neutral Base, Cordon. However, keep in mind, this scenario is playing out in three other locations on the map (just not simulated the same way, instead it uses math to determine who wins etc).

Each squad is spawned at a random resource level so I could attempt to test all weapon tiers. I think I hit them all but who knows.

Faction Wars Destiny 2

Edit 2: Here is a little bit better of a stress test, however it was very taxing on my system along with fraps, hence the frame rate. I spawn around 40 or so squads throughout the video, one squad per faction every 20 to 60 seconds (though it feels more frequent, might have messed up some units somewhere...). This would be much more frequent than in game, so I am relatively confident with the loadout stability now.


Edit 3: As a little 'bonus', I'm working on an optional addon to the mod. I had been playing Call of Chernobyl since its a modders resource and am very interested in working with it, and had installed the STCS weapon pack. The weapon models are good, but I still prefer AO. I did however enjoy the position of the weapons in STCS. Due to this, I'm going to be working on a mod that repositions AO weapons to a more STCS type position. Here is an example with the ak74m and the ak74. Here is the old ak103 position for reference